Page 44 of Never Too Late
“Because, Lilly-girl. I promised that I would never let you go. So you’re stuck with me. Whether you like it or not. For the rest of our lives.” Since my eyes are closed, I can’t see the look on his face.
I keep my eyes closed as he takes me upstairs, and I can’t find the strength to open them when he sets me on the bed. I try to shimmy out of my pants, but they get stuck on my thighs.
“I should never have worn these pants.”
“Baby, you can wear these pants any time you want. As long as I’m the one who gets to peel them off you at the end of the night.” A kiss on my stomach makes me giggle, but I’m too far gone to try to stop him.
Jake undresses me, and then he’s crawling into bed right by my side. I snuggle into him and sigh when his breath hits the back of my neck.
“One day, Margot, I’m gonna put my ring on your finger and you’re gonna marry me.”
“In my dreams, lover boy.”
The splitting headacherolling from my spine to my forehead as soon as I open my eyes tells me that I got way too drunk. But like always, Jake was there to take care of me.
There’s a glass of water and two white pills sitting on the bedside table, so I pop them into my mouth and swallow down everything in the cup to get rid of the regret I can feel all over my tongue.
“Ugh.” I groan. “I quit drinking. Never again.” I set the glass back down on the nightstand and pull the blanket over my head to try and escape from reality.
“Uh, no. That’s not gonna work and you know it. Get your ass up, woman. We have plans today that you can’t get away from. Your mom got in yesterday, and we’re meeting her for lunch at my parents’ place. Up.” Jake’s voice is louder than it should ever be. Even if he has a point, I don’t want to get out of bed.
“Go away, or you’ll never get sex again.” There’s no way I’m getting out of bed.
“My dad promised that if you come over, he’ll make steak and potatoes just the way you like and he’ll make sure there’s plenty for you to bring home and eat later too.”
“I hate you.” I roll over. “What time is it?”
“Just after ten. You’ve got like an hour until you need to be ready to go.”
“Fine. Fine. I’m up. Go turn on the shower for me, please?” I stumble out of bed, getting caught in the blankets and falling flat on my face. “Argh!” I screech against the blanket suddenly filling my mouth, and Jake comes running back into the room, only to stop in his tracks, laughing.
Half my ass is sticking out, and my legs are tangled in the blankets that are supposed to be on the bed. “Help me up, you dorkfish. Don’t just laugh at me.”
“Um, no. Not gonna happen. You’re lucky my phone’s in the living room or I’d be taking a picture of this shit.” He’s laughing so hard there are tears coming out of his eyes, and at that point I give up.
I just lie back down and bury my face in the blankets, hoping that fate will be kind and kill me while I’m down. A few miserable minutes later, Jake’s done laughing and he helps me up. As soon as I’m on my feet, I smack him in the chest—repeatedly. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t have a shirt on or that his well-defined muscles make me want to drool. I want to keep slapping him until I don’t feel as betrayed anymore, but instead, he lifts me up and presses his lips to mine.
“No fair,” I pull back and say when I catch my breath.
“Oh, I never told you I play fair.” He kisses me again, making me want to go back to bed. “Now, go. Take a shower so I can go brag to my parents that you and I are together again.” He puts me down and slaps my ass to get me moving.
I know that I’m stalling, but it doesn’t stop me from taking my sweet time in the shower. I lather and rinse, making sure that every inch of my body is smooth. When the water starts to lose its heat, I turn it off and towel dry, trying to mentally prepare myself for the afternoon ahead.
It isn’t that I don’t want to see Jake’s parents, Cliff and Katie. He’s been talking about us all getting together as soon as my mom got home. It’s just that I’m afraid it will all fall apart again. Both of them meant so much to me growing up, but after the miscarriage, everything was ruined. What if they blame me for breaking their son’s heart or don’t like me anymore?
I’m pulled from my inner musings by Jake opening the bathroom door. “Look, I know you’re nervous. But really, you have no reason to be. We should have left ten minutes ago. Come on. Get a move on.” He slaps my ass gently to propel me forward.
Sighing, I know it isn’t going to get any better than it is right now, and I can’t avoid it forever. I pull my hair into a messy bun and put on a little mascara. It is hot out, and I don’t want to put anything else on.
Once we’re in his truck and pulling out of the driveway, I look over at him. Staring at him, hard. I try to think of something to say. Something to express all the fear and worry and love and hope and excitement for what we’re facing together. Nothing comes.
“I’m here with you,” he whispers. “I know you’re scared. And I don’t know why. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere. I need you, Margot. Always have, always will.” He puts his right hand on my thigh and squeezes gently. “You have nothing to worry about. They’ve always loved you.” Smiling, he turns back to the road, but leaves his hand where it is.
“I’m in love with you, Jake.” I turn to look out the window because if I look into his eyes, I’ll lose my courage. “Not the knight in shining armor I fell in love with when I was five. Or the young man who used to help me with my homework when I got stuck on senior level math, just out of my reach and not looking at me like anything other than a nuisance. I’m in love with the man who refuses to give old ladies a ticket for speeding and the man who holds me when I watch scary movies because even though they horrify me, I’m addicted to them. I’m in love withyou. And I’m in this, but I’m scared that something is going to fuck it all up. I have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something really bad is about to happen.” I stop talking then, take a deep breath, and stare at the passing greenery.