Page 57 of Never Too Late
“Ray. What else could it be. His new lawyer already quit. They’re trying to delay the trial, again.”
“Figures.” I’m not even surprised in the slightest. “You hear that, Margot? The asshole responsible is trying to weasel out of it again. You better wake your stubborn ass up and handle it.”
She doesn’t move.
I can’t give up on her.
Not yet.
Not ever.
I still can’t move.
Can’t open my mouth.
But I can hear him.
I can feel him right there, touching my arm.
I canalmostfeel the heat from his body entering mine as he’s there, every single time I fade back into awareness.
“I’m here!”
I shout and yell and try to wave my arms in the air, but I can’t.
I’m stuck in a pit of black, with the people I love just on the other side.
But I can feel my fingers trying to move.
It’s small. And it’s almost nothing.
But it’s real.
I’ve been trapped for so long, unable to do anything other than breathe and scream in my head for someone to hear me.
For them to save me before I vanish completely.
Am I really breathing? Or is there a machine doing it for me at this point?
Why hasn’t my mom pulled the plug?
I asked her to.
I begged her not to let me live without a chance of waking up if the time ever came.
She swore that she would.
She broke her promise.