Page 16 of Never Say Never
Does he think he kissed her?
“You know, I think tonight’s been really good.” He interrupts my thoughts, dragging me out of the hole I’m quickly falling into.
“What do you mean?” I take the bottle.
“I’ve gotten to know you the last few hours, and I learned something I think’s pretty important.” He smiles again, and it’s vulnerable and tugs at my heart. “Even though you and my ex could pass as twins, you’re two completely different people. There’s no way she would have spent her night helping me cut and move trees or take care of anyone else but herself. You? You didn’t hesitate. And I don’t think I’ve ever really looked at you before. You’re sweetness and love where she was nothing but vinegar and hate. I’m sorry that I never gave you a chance. That I didn’t pull my head out of my ass earlier than tonight. I feel like I’ve missed out on… everything with you.”
My stomach lurches, that sweet heat he’s fanning with his existence flaring to life again.
I look at him. Into those beautiful blue eyes, looking for the truth. And in that moment, everything makes sense. The fact that he never looked me in the eyes before tonight. The reason we’ve never been able to have a conversation unless absolutely forced to.
“Does anyone know I’m her doppelganger?” The words hurt coming out, scratching a wound I didn’t even know existed an hour ago. But I need to ask. “Does anyone know about her?”
“No. People know that I’ve been married before. It was a long time ago, though, and I was away at college when everything happened. I didn’t bring her back to Birch Harbor with me. I’m glad I didn’t. It would make this so much harder.” He’s looking into my eyes too now, and my chest heaves with the shallow, rapid breaths I take.
“Would make what so much harder?” My gaze falls to his mouth. One I’d already kissed and the world starts closing in. I want… oh, hell. I knock back the last of the whiskey. “Fuck it.”
I kiss him again, this time with intention, hoping like hell he won’t push me away after the way I backed away from his offer. But his hands come up to either side of my face, holding me in place as he returns my kiss.
Light and teasing at first, his tongue presses along the seam of my lips and I part them slightly, wanting more but needing him to be the one to take the next step.
And he does.
He takes my offering, his tongue sliding into my mouth. Wet and hot and joining mine in a slow dance for control that neither of us want to lose. I feel it straight down into my core when he shifts and our bodies touch. The throb of desire becomes a beacon of need that I’ll never escape. I taste him and whiskey, a combination that immediately sets me on fire. Lost in the haze, I drop the empty bottle and it lands with a muffled thump on the carpeted floor next to the bed. My fingers clutch at him, wanting more as he kisses me harder, deeper, and it still isn’t enough. When he doesn’t give me what I need, I pull back slightly and bite his bottom lip to get his attention.
Travis growls, animalistic and fierce, before he reclaims my mouth. This time there’s no restraint. He releases my face as he takes deep and carnal kisses from me, and he moves his hands down my arms to where the shirt doesn’t quite reach my elbows. He touches me there, and I shiver, setting off a dull throb in my core, my skin alight where his fingers skim, and even though my arms aren’t normally an erogenous place… I’m ready to implode.
I moan as his tongue dances across mine, and I pull him down on top of me, hoping for more. I’m not disappointed when he follows my direction and presses me into the bedding. His erection is unmistakable against the fabric of his pajama pants. Looking down, I see there’s absolutely nothing to stop me from releasing him. When I move my hand down between the two of us and brush his length, a shudder courses through his body, and he ends our kiss.
“Are you sure?” he whispers against my lips.
Our breath mixes in a hot blend of whiskey and our unique scents, but neither of us move.
My hand is still wrapped around his length, and I can feel his fingers trembling slightly where they’re touching me.
I nod at his question. “Yeah.” The coarse word comes out as I arch into him, and then a phone starts to ring.
The spell’s broken between us, and Travis curses.
“Shit.” He rolls off me and answers the phone. “Masterson.”
“Travis? Why are you answering Brandi’s phone? Never mind, I don’t want to know.” I hear Poppy’s voice clearly through the phone’s speaker, which makes sense since he answered on speaker.
“Damn. Sorry, let me get her.” His face flushes as he looks down at me.
I grab the phone, waiting a few seconds before I say anything. “Hello?”
“Glad to hear you’re okay.” Humor laces Poppy’s voice. “Not lost under a bed or anything.”
“Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?” I roll my eyes.
“Well, no one’s heard from you since this afternoon at the gym. We wanted to make sure that you weren’t stuck under a house somewhere… or a bed, like I said. It’s five in the morning, so it’s been like twelve hours. Had to check and make sure we didn’t need to send the cavalry.”
“No. I was sleeping.” The lie slips out easily enough. “And—”
“Yeah. Yeah. No problem… You’re going to have to explain this to me later, you know? You owe me for not running around the office as soon as I hang up with you and telling everyone what you two are up to tonight.”
“Goodbye, Poppy.”