Page 22 of The Holiday Hookup
“Hecalledyouabrat?” Char’s astonished voice blares through the speaker phone as I fold and put away my laundry. “That’s… kinda hot.”
“It’s really not,” I reply, hanging tonight’s dress in its place in my closet. Yes, I’m folding laundry at 3 am. Yes, I already washed the dress I wore. I’m filling Char in on all the Lorenzo details, because my mind has been swarming with thoughts of him since I returned home. I finish telling her everything that happened and she whistles.
“Well, it sounds like it had to be just alittlehot if you ended up fucking him in your boss’s place!”
Maybe it didn’t piss me off the way it should, but no way in hell I’m admitting that to her. “So what am I supposed to do?”
“It doesn’t sound like there’s anythingtodo. He made it clear it was just for fun.”
“Right. But how do I handle seeing him at work?”
“Just treat him like any other coworker. That’s what he is.”
Right… just a coworker I slept with and haven’t been able to stop thinking about. Maybe that’s just because it’s so recent and new. I mean, it literally just happened. This should pass as the days go by. I’m determined to stay away from guys, at least for the foreseeable future. It seems as though I can’t stay away from fuckboys, and I need a detox.
Even if I was going to keep dating, Lorenzo would not be it. I mean, he’s arrogant, for starters. He probably doesn’t like to do any of the things I like. The only reason he even had an interest in me is because he met me doing something crazy. I still can’t fully fathom the fact that I did punch and knee Trent.
“Kaaate.” Char’s sing-song voice breaks my train of thought.
“Sorry, what was that?” I finish folding the last articles of clothing and begin putting them into their drawers.
“I said, I’m so proud of you! You stood up for yourself with Trent and then you had a one night stand! I thought this day would never come.”
“Is that really something to beproudof?” She didn’t even say she was proud of me when I was offered the job with Rowan.
“Absolutely! Just telling Trent to fuck off was a huge step, but then you punched him? Lorenzo’s right, it really is badass.”
“I crotch-splotched him, too,” I say with a wide grin.I wonder what Lorenzo is doing right now.
No. We’re not doing this.
“Exactly! Now, you can go back to being Regular Kate, with these memories to remind you who you could be if you wanted to.”
“I like who I am.”
“Ilovewho you are, Kate. Obviously. That’s why I’m your BFF.” I smile and listen as she proceeds to tell me about the date she had last night.
Char and I became friends in elementary school, when who you are isn’t defined by your choices in life and your personality isn’t strong enough to clash. I really think if we met now, we’d never click. We’re about as polar opposite as it gets, but in a lot of ways, it works.
She’s the yin to my yang. I ground her, and she helps me ride the waves.
“We need to get some sleep,” I say, putting my laundry hamper in the corner of my closet.
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead. I’m going to catch up on some reading before I call it. See ya at 10:30.”
Maybe we would be friends even if we met now; we do share a love for reading. Then again, she reads romance and I stick to non-fiction.
“Char, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I’m going to my parents’ house.”
I call Felix over from the chair in front of my desk. He stretches before leaping off, then struts to my bed. He waits for me to lay on it before he jumps up, snuggling next to my head on the pillow.
“Why does that mean we can’t brunch first?”
I roll my eyes but tell her I’m not going. I’ve already wrapped my presents but I’d like to get ready and head to my parents house early. They live about twenty minutes from me, but we don’t see each other all that often. I talk to my mom regularly through text or phone, but we’re both introverted homebodies. Dad drives cargo trucks for a living, so he’s gone often.
After we hang up, I plug my phone into the charger and place it on my nightstand, then turn off the lamp. Once I’m settled into my white, cotton sheets, I close my eyes to let sleep take me.
Within minutes, I know that’s not happening. My mind is racing with the memories of just a few hours earlier.