Page 25 of The Holiday Hookup
My stomach drops and fills with butterflies. I’ve done my best this week to put the Lorenzo mistake box on the same ‘did not happen’ shelf as the Trent run-in box. I knew it was a matter of time before I’d run into him again, but I figured by then I’d be over the whole situation. And by whole situation, I mean him.
I couldn’t stop thinking about his kisses and the way his hands felt on my body. I couldn’t stop wishing for that cord to be around my neck again, completely at his mercy. Something about Lorenzo felt so intoxicating, but I knew it was just a facade. It was part of his charm, and it was not reserved for me.
He made that clear, and I accepted it. I have no business falling for a guy like him. So I refuse to do it.
But his message makes it very clear that try as I might, I can’t help the effect he has on me. A part of me, the logical one, wants to ignore his message. In nine minutes, I can log off and ignore this over the long weekend.
But the other part of me, the louder, stupider, hopeless romantic one, wants me to answer.
Kate Appleton: Just the usual. Hang out with my best friend, pilates, Felix and Friends.
I hover over the send button, wondering if my response is appropriate. Why exactly is he writing to me? And after all this time, too?
I hit enter before I can lose my nerve. When he doesn’t start typing after a minute, I send another message.
Me: Maybe I’ll venture out and start a new series with the extra days off.
After two minutes, I lock my screen again. I’m not going to hang around waiting for his response. Plus, we’ve got 6 minutes before it’s time to go. I finish packing my bag, undocking my laptop to take it home just in case. Maybe I’ll do some extra work and get ahead if I’m bored.
At 4:59, I hear the ping from my bag. I dive into it and open my laptop, keying in the password before I can think it through.
Lorenzo Mancini: come to my friends new years party
What in the world? I probably should have seen an invitation coming, but it seems so oppositional to the no boyfriend, fun-for-a-night stance he took. Why would he be inviting me tohisfriend’s party when he hasn’t even tried to see or talk to me again?
For heaven’s sake, he hasn’t even asked for my number.
Then he does that thing again, where it’s like he’s reading my mind. He sends a message with his phone number. I store it into my cell and pocket it, then tuck my laptop back into my bag.
I’ll ruminate over this and decide if it’s a good idea or not.
I’ve ruminated, and I know it’s a bad idea. But screw it to all hell, I texted him. Just one word: Kate. I toss my bag on my bed and change out of my exercise clothes, heading to the shower.
I’m leaving the ball in his court. He needs to explain himself if this is going to be a thing. Maybe he wants to be friends with benefits.
But does he have others? That’s something I should ask him, right? For safety purposes.
That’s what I keep telling myself, at least. The true reason, which I hate to admit, is that I feel that burn of jealousy in my throat when I think about how many women he’s slept with. How he went back to Rowan’s party andtook shotsoff someone else.
Can I make peace with just being a fun fling for this guy? What if he just wants to be friends?
Yeah, right. A guy doesn’t sleep with you and then invite you to a party out of friendship. Did he invite Sara, too? Did he leave with her from the party? Or worse, take her upstairs?
Dread fills me at the thought of him doing what he did with me on the same bed. With the same Christmas lights.
I have so many questions, and I’m dying for answers. When I finish drying off, I lay in bed and pull up my messages, typing Victor’s name. Then I rethink before typing out a message. If I ask him if Lorenzo left with her, it’s a dead giveaway as to why. We don’t work in the same department, and I don’t know him outside of this job. Or the holiday party, really.
Instead, I start searching for him on social media, now that I have his last name. After various searches, even through the web, I’m unable to locate a profile.
I really want to know what he’s playing at and who he is. Going to this New Year's party would at least get me answers. Yes. I’ll go to this party, demand he explain himself.
I’m not sure if I can make peace with knowing he’s just a fling. But Idoknow I can’t make peace with not finding out.
“He texted you?” Char exclaims, tucking her legs underneath her on my bed. She’s dressed in tight leggings and a super cute, knit sweater, her makeup completely done. She’s going out with someone later tonight.
“He wrote to me on Teams first, then he gave me his number. I just explained all of this to you.”