Page 3 of The Holiday Hookup
“That’s an expression, isn’t it?”
The giggles settle and I gather myself. “I’ve never heard it before, but it’s highly appropriate.”
“Well, you crotch-splotched him”—his use of the phrase sends me into a fit of giggles again, which he ignores—“for good measure, and I’m sure he and his girlfriend will never forget it.”
The mention of Gillian subdues me instantly. Lorenzo must sense it, because he gives methatlook.
“Don’t.” I shake my head, begging myself to regain composure. “I’m not some badass. I never do anything like this, ever. I… don’t know what came over me.”
It felt freaking amazing, though.
“That doesn’t make it any less badass. Obviously, it’s in you.”
I don’t know how to tell him how wrong he is, so I stay quiet for a moment. He doesn’t fill the silence either, only watching me with curious eyes.
“I, well, thanks, I guess,” I finally mutter.
“You didn’t ask for it, so no thanks are necessary.” The lack of bitterness in his tone makes it seem like he genuinely means it.
I give him a half-hearted smile. “I’m gonna go.”
“Where’s your car?”
“Oh, I didn’t drive. I Ubered.” I don’t need to tell him that Idon’tdrive. When my parents were teaching me to drive, I backed up into Dad’s parked car in the driveway. I had a panic attack and refused to ever drive again. At this point, I wish I would just grow the courage to learn, but over the years the fear has become anxiety inducing. Plus, our town is like a city in a lot of ways. I don’t need a car.
Lorenzo nods. “Well, I can at least wait until your driver gets here. What if that guy—”
“Trent.” The name leaves a trail of acid on my tongue, and it’s evident in my tone. Why I felt the need for Lorenzo to know his name is besides me. Blame it on my Type A personality, I guess.
“What ifTrentdecides to come outside and sees you alone? The cat will be out of the bag.”
“That’s true,” I say with a thoughtful nod. I did the damn thing, after all, so may as well see it through properly. “Although, he could see you walk back in without me.”
“It makes sense that I waited for you to leave before returning inside. If I go in without you, and then you’re standing outside alone, it would make no sense.”
“I guess.” I pull out my phone and open the Uber app, requesting a ride. “Okay, the driver is three minutes away.”
“Cool.” He keeps his eyes on me, apparently not afraid of that new person interaction. He must be one of those extroverted types. My nose wrinkles of its own accord.
“What?” Lorenzo asks.
“Nothing, you’re just…”
“Charming? Good-natured? Intelligent?”
I snort. “Not all at once, please.”
He shrugs with a lopsided grin, a dimple forming below his cheek. “Nothing wrong with knowing your value, Kate.”
“Knowing it and showing it off are twototallyseparate things.”
“Are you calling me a show-off?” He feigns offense by raising his hand to his chest, but I see that stupid twinkle in his eyes and I’m not fooled.
I roll my eyes and glance down at my phone. One minute.
“I left my jacket inside, do you want me to grab it?” He must be responding to my chattering teeth.
“No, the driver’s one minute away.”