Page 117 of Straight Dad
He offers the back of his hand to Kyle until my boy drops his nose under his palm and pops Kimp’s hand onto his head for a scratch. “Mr. Ranger was my father. Call me Kimp.”
A smile threatens my lips. “I’ve heard that somewhere before.”
Pop looks between me and Layton. “That’s surprising.”
“Really? I assumed every family has one child who is just a mini version of a parent. Layton isn’t the one that’s you, only younger?”
Layton scoffs, and Kimp retracts as if I’m way off base.
I know I hit a nerve but I don’t know if it’s because I’m so far from the truth or too close to it.
“I need to get off this leg. Mind if we sit?”
Layton turns me, ushering me toward the living room.
“I brought the Gator up, so if you want to, y’all have a way to get to the stables. Looks like we may have a new addition this afternoon. We have one foaling early.” He turns to the door but turns back and gives me a megawatt smile. “I’m glad you’re here, Livy. I look forward to getting to know you.”
He closes the door behind himself and clomps down the wooden stairs in his cowboy boots.
“Why do I feel like a teenager who just got busted by my parents?” I face the door, as if I can see Kimpton through it. The fluffy dog and Kyle circle each other, weaving around us and through us, until they come to an easy truce.
“Are you embarrassed?” Layton’s voice above me calls me back to him.
“I’m mortified. I’m thirty-one, and your dad just walked in on us.” I step back from Layton and cover my mouth with my hand.
“You’re older than me.”
I nod. “Oh, God. He probably wonders if I was after you in Florida. What must he think?”
“Knowing Pop? Probably that you’re cute and smart and that we’re into each other.” He looks me over to my feet before he looks at himself. “Do you want to go to the barn? The Gator should make it okay, but there could be some walking.”
* * *
I hold my breath as I wait for her reply.
“I have to look your dad in the face at some point. Might as well not stretch out that horror.” She looks at me and widens her golden-brown eyes almost comically. “I’m game if you are, but I’ll need my crutches if we’re going to stand for a while. And ice later. The tugging of the stitches has hit that painful, itchy time when I want to scratch and avoid touching at the same time.”
I extend a hand toward the door before thinking twice about that. “Hold on for a moment.” I hobble to my room, stuffing down all of my pride, and grab my walker. I don’t know how long I can stand after today’s adventure on the stairs. I find a tablet and let that do its magic. I need it to kick in an hour ago. I’ve pushed way too hard for way too long today.
When I return to the door, she’s leaning on the back of the sofa, petting Sola as Luna and Kyle look on. “That’s Sola. He’s Brighton’s too.”
“He’s beautiful.” Turning to him, she adds, “Aren’t you now, boy?”
Kyle’s tail whips, and he lifts from his sit to stand and push between his mama and the object of her attention. “Jealous much? You know I’m yours, and you’re mine.”
“Want to go meet the horses, Kyle?” I offer before whistling. “Looney, Sola. Let’s go.”
I hold the door open for Livy as she crutches out of the house. Luna and Sola take off for the stables. Kyle looks back at Livy but follows the pups and is well ahead of us by the time I close the door. “You going to tell me what happened?”
“There’s not much to tell, really. Someone broke into my house. He had a knife and had attacked Kyle. I attacked the man. He tried to stab Kyle, and I did what I could to stop it. I used my leg to deflect the hit.”
I’m halfway down the stairs when I stop to look at her. “He stabbed you?” I see red. It’s just what I need to get down the rest of the stairs under my own steam.
She nods.
“Was it Tustin?”