Page 133 of Straight Dad
I nod.
“And next time? No condom. I want to feel every bit of you and I want you to feel every inch of me.”
My mouth waters, and my core clenches. “Okay.”
“You better leave before Pop comes this way. You blushed when he caught us kissing. You’d probably combust into flames and be a pile of ash if he busts us going any further.”
Istay in my room for the rest of the evening. My dick is uncooperative with the plans I’m making, and it pisses me off.
I can’t very well tell her all the things I want to do to her and not step up and perform. Yet every word was true. Losing myself in Olivia Morgan would be the ultimate escape.
I’ve said it before, but her mind is sexy as fuck. Her body could be carved in rock. And she’s here. For me. Because I was worth the risk.
For one moment, a warm rush steals through my body. I lost Mom’s texts—her praise and admonition, everything so precious to me—but I’d already gained a woman who might be the same kind of encouragement. Livy is no pushover. She won’t let me cop out on her or on myself. She calls me on my bullshit. And she does it in a way I beg for more.
I grab my phone.
Me:Tell me a secret, Pix.
Pix:Earlier you didn’t ask me what I want. But I want everything you want.
Me:That’s good to hear.
Pix:And I want to get on my knees for you and suck you until you see stars.
Well, then.
Me:I accept your counteroffer.
Pix:You’re such a dork. But I love it.
Me:Sweet dreams.
Pix:Wait. You owe me one.
Me:One what?
Pix:A secret.
I think for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal.
Me:I’ve never taken a woman to my house on the lake.
Me:It’s not a bachelor pad. It’s the place where I’m home.
Pix:Are you afraid to take me?
Me:Not afraid. Nervous maybe.