Page 153 of Straight Dad
“Nah, not them either. Give me rock and roll or give me silence.”
“Patrick Henry is rolling over in his grave right now.”
I smile at her as she turns onto an old farm to market road and picks up a little speed.
Bob Seger flows through the speakers. “Not what I was going for, but your point’s been made.”
“I’ve missed you, Layton.”
“Missed you, too, Bright.”
“No, I mean I missed you while you were living in Oklahoma. I missed you when you were in Florida. I’ve missed you like hell since Mom left us. And the last few months, it’s been even more so. It’s worse knowing I could’ve lost you. You’re my ride or die.”
I reach out a hand and clasp her on the shoulder. “I’m here. Regardless of the hell I’ve been through, I’m here.”
“Thank fuck. I don’t want any of us to go through that again.”
Same. Seriously. Same.
“So forgive me for being a little overprotective of you right now when you’re still a little vulnerable.”
“I’m not helpless, Bright. But I won’t ever argue with us taking care of each other. You know that.”
“Then this is me taking care of you and going big sister on you for once… Are you sure…? I mean… completely positive, one hundred percent without a doubt that…”
“Spit it out.”
“Is Livy with you for you or is Livy with you for the money?”
What. The. Fuck.
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.” My voice is steel. I don’t know how she hears it over the wind and the music, and I don’t care.
“Don’t. Because I said it. If this girl is it for you, and you know without a shadow of a doubt it’s not about the money or the fame or fixing you or whatever, then I’ll shut up. But if for one moment you have a doubt, then I want to be the one who says the hard thing even when it’s not fun. Because I love you that much.”
Fixing me.
“What are you suggesting?” I ask.
“A prenup. If things get that far.”
“You really think that’s necessary?”
“With as fast as you two are moving and the disparity of the situation? It can’t hurt. If she’s in this for forever, it won’t matter.”
I bite my tongue. Not agreeing, but to avoid the scream that wants to rip from me.
“Did you ask Elias for one?” My voice may as well be ice.
“No. Why?”
“Because you have an inheritance, a home, and a practice. He gets half if something happens. Aren’t you worried?”
Her head whips to mine, her hair flying around her face. “It’s different with us.”
“Because it’s not about what I can do for him. Because it’s not about my money. Because…”