Page 162 of Straight Dad
“And it’s not good. Layton, he’s not right in the head.”
“I could’ve told you that.”I did tell you that, I think, but no point in beating a dead horse. “Did he give you any info?”
“Give me?” Exton scoffs through the phone. “Not the phrase I’d use, but I learned a few things. But I got as much by following Gerald Tustin as I did by questioning him. He goes to her house every night. He goes to the facility every day. He’s agitated he can’t find her.”
“Why is he obsessed with Livy?”
“He didn’t say, but it’s like he latched onto her in his mind, and she’s a ghost he can’t find. I’d usually recommend a restraining order, but he didn’t seem to grasp that she’s not in Florida and an order of protection would reveal her whereabouts. That would court more trouble in my estimation. There’s no reason for that. Leave the rat in the wheel chasing the cheese.”
“My brother just compared my woman to cheese,” I mutter, like there’s someone in the conversation aside from the two of us.
“But a Brie or a nice Gouda. Not the squeaky cheese that separates into clumps and oil.”
“Fondue. I’ll add that to the menu.”
He makes a choking sound just as Willa says from behind me, “Fondue sounds so good.”
“Your wife wants cheese,” I say into the phone. “I do too.”
“Shut up. My flight is boarding. May I speak to Willa?”
“Have a safe flight. See you soon. Here’s your baby mama.” I pass the phone to Willa and head out into the sunshine to my fondue.
Livy is on a raft in the pool and turns her sunglass-covered eyes my way.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah.” I reach for my phone and realize Willa’s still using it until she makes her way back outside and down the pool steps.
“You don’t have to suffer with babysitting me much longer.” She walks into the water, turns and floats, her vividly tattooed bump buoyed out of the water.
“Good. Two whole days… It’s been torture.” I wink as I head into the house for my phone. It’s been a long time since I wanted to have it with me this much.
I slide my phone off the counter and send a text before heading back into the sunshine.
Me:Sending along my new address. I haven’t seen a package in nearly a month. You’ve been a lifesaver.
I tap out my home address, which I’m sure he has somewhere in his files, and hit send.
I’m outside when the response comes.
George:Been longer than that since I’ve sent anything. You know I’ll always be here for you. Any word on Excel? Or do you want me to handle that with Emberleigh?
Me:I’m going to cancel Excel with my regrets. I’ll pay whatever penalties I must for breach of contract.
Me:Emberleigh’s strategy was a good one, but I’m good not being under the microscope or in the public eye for now.
George:I get that.
Me:You’ll have to come out to Texas soon.
George:I’d like that.
George:I sent home some things with your brother. Not all of your effects, but the personal ones. I thought you’d want them with you instead of in storage here.