Page 201 of Straight Dad
“You’re getting spanked for that comment tonight.”
“Promises, promises,” she calls over her shoulder as she walks away.
When I get into the living room, everyone has arrived. My two nephews are here with the rest of my family. Nephews who are here, not just ones I can picture in my home. My home, not a colorless condo with sharp metal edges.
A home.
Sarah and her wife, Ivy, are here. “You look good. We won’t talk shop the whole time, but how are you feeling?”
“A little like high school football. Like growing pains and muscle soreness, but like I’m strong enough to tackle it. But I don’t want to be tackled.”
“I’m proud of you. I’ve known you a long time, and you always do the work. The mental game is always harder than the physical. You’re exactly the right person to lead this new venture.”
“Keep those compliments coming, and I’ll offer you a raise.” To Ivy, I add, “Keep her. She’s a gem.”
“Eighteen years and counting. I don’t plan on letting her go. Besides, someone has to keep her in line.”
“Thenyouneed a raise, because I’m not sure that’s even possible with this one.”
“Hey,” Sarah says.
“What? You know it’s true.”
“I do, actually.” Sarah looks at Ivy, a warm smile on her mouth, and back to me. “Wishing you the same happiness, Layton.”
“Thanks. Ask me in eighteen years if I’ve been able to keep her in line.”
“Oh, bless your heart, Layton,” Ivy starts. “We’ll be asking her, not you.”
I usher everyone out to the back patio and open the French doors to the house. It’s a perfect sixty-eight-degree day with a soft breeze off the lake.
“Grab a drink.”
I lift my seltzer water and clear my throat. “We invited you here today because we have exciting news. Livy and I”—I look to the woman who will be my forever, standing with her best friend near the doors—“have, after much deliberation, decided to invest in and build a rehabilitation center.”
“Our primary focus will be on athletic injuries and veteran rehabilitation. We’ve bought a piece of property and expect within a year to be able to house and rehab at least two dozen patients. Cynthia’s team will lead full counseling services.” I lift my water to the woman who kept me sane at Natomas Hills. “Cynthia has also agreed to partner with us for anyone who needs more specific or acute care for substance issues, either inpatient or out.”
“We’ll have two staff DPTs with Sarah and Livy.” I lift my can to Sarah and smile at Livy as she slips into the house. “They’ll develop and administer the treatment plans.”
“We’ll have a gym, a sauna, a yoga studio… all the tools we need to bring people back to health, whatever that looks like. Free memberships if your last name is Ranger or Finchley.” I smile at Eli.
“Sabine has agreed to move to Texas—though this is no hardship, let’s be clear—to lead our team of nutritionists. She also has an idea for a macro-specific to-go meal prep once we can secure licensure for a commercial kitchen.” I lift my chin to her. “Thank you. For everything. So excited you’ll be here with us on this adventure.”
“And George.” I look around the faces of my favorite people on the planet. “This man brokered a deal with Excel to have all the athletic wear we’ll need for our therapists and trainers to be able to see range of motion. And to have our clients have one less thing on their minds.”
“I know we’ve taken on a massive endeavor. I expect there will be days I wonder why I didn’t choose something else.”
“Like a news anchor?” Willa asks.
“I could do that. That’s probably way easier too. But this is something worth doing.” I turn to Braxton’s fiancée. “Emberleigh, I hope you’re willing to take on a client who will need your expertise badly. God willing, we won’t need any crisis management, but the rest?” I nod.
“I’d be honored.”
Pop huddles around me and gives me a hug. “I’m so proud of you. Emilia would be too. She’d tell you not to give up because it’s hard. Those are the days you rely on your training. There’s always another tackle to break.”
“Thanks, Pop.”
“This is so perfect for you and Livy. A marriage of strengths and passions.” Braxton claps me on the shoulder. “Lucky bastard.”