Page 29 of Straight Dad
Less than my sister can tolerate.
Less than Tommy wanted in a wife.
And, evidently, less than Layton Ranger will accept in even a friend.
I need to take Dr. Silverberg up on his offer of that cottage down the coast. An escape to wallow in my frustration, to snuggle with Kyle, to avoid the photographers may be just what the doctor ordered.
When I grab my phone to send my boss a message, I see what I missed as I walked into the meeting.
Layton:Saturday was shit, but thanks all the same. You ready for this?
How in the world do I answer that now?
Ithank the kid who drops the groceries into my trunk and let a smile loose when he sees Kyle’s big head turn to reach for the celery stalks. “You can give him one if you want.”
“One what?”
“A piece of celery.”
“How would I cut it?”
“Just break it off at the base.”
“The whole thing?”
To Kyle, I say, “Be gentle and wait.” The tail thumping the back of my seat momentarily stops. When I hear his teeth crunching and his tail starts again, I say, “Who’s a good boy?”
“He’s cool.”
I stick the tip out of my window, and the kid accepts. “Have a great day. Kyle appreciates the treat.”
I don’t roll it up and head down the coast on an impromptu vacation. I took the rest of the week off. It’s the off-season, after all, and the few appointments I had were easy to adjust.
That whole I’m-back-and-they-can-suck-it vibe was obliterated by the time I left the meeting.
When we get to the house, I turn Kyle loose in the yard as I open the windows and doors and let the breeze off the water filter in. How I survived winters in Delaware and Pennsylvania, I’ll never know. This is so my speed.
I send Sabine a message.
Me:Things went from bad to worse, if you can believe it. I’m going radio silent for a few days.
Bean:You sure?
Me:Yeah. I’ll give you an update soon, but I can’t handle rehashing right now.
Bean:72 hours. Any longer and I’m calling in the cavalry.
She knows I need the time to process this and sit with it. I need to calm my mind.
I leave my phone, kick off my shoes, and whistle for Kyle.