Page 49 of Straight Dad
“Magnum? Blue steel?”
“You’re not allowed to talk about my dick.” I joke.
“Ew. Well, that ruined me forever. Asshole. Why’d you have to go and do that?”
“It’s just the Le Tigre in me.”
“You ain’t right.”
“Truer words, my friend. So I have an idea that I want to run by you.”
“Do you know of any yoga-wear companies that are looking for reps?”
“That’s an odd ask. Are you thinking of getting into the granola life?”
George should know better.
“Funny. Olivia Morgan might be a good model for them. Just a thought.”
“The same Olivia Morgan from Friday night?”
“Anything I need to know?”
“Nope. Just thinking of ways to bring value to my new brand partner. Or to another if my agent is taking on female athletes outside the NCAA up-and-coming ranks.”
“Okay.” George stretches out the word and lets the silence hang after it until he finally adds, “I don’t know a ton about the yoga-wear market, if that’s even a thing. I’ll need to do some research.”
“Sure. Think outside the box on this one. Maybe it’s not modeling for photo shoots, but instructional videos wearing the clothes. You know, letting the outfits move or whatever in those poses.”
“Wow. You don’t know much about yoga either, do you?”
“Nope. I run. That’s all I do. I catch the ball and run.”
“You’re making yourself sound like a meathead. You’re way smarter in business than that.”
“…For a man who runs as a job.”
“Shut up, fucker.”
“Charlie called me again,” I say with no prelude.
“What? Tingle, Schmidt, and Asses know you have representation.”
“Dude. I’m not going anywhere. I made that very clear to him. I’m with you but wanted you to know all the same. Schmidt isn’t going away, and he’s playing hardball.”
Heavy footsteps tap on the other end of the line as George takes several loud breaths.
“You’d tell me, right? If there was a tempting offer?”
“George, I don’t want another agent. You’re a rarity in this business. You’re honest and real, and I never worry you’re going to fuck me over. I’m lucky to have you in my camp. If you ever try to leave, I’ll take you to the Everglades and remind you why that’s a bad idea.”
“Ha ha.”
“Who says I’m kidding?”