Page 99 of Straight Dad
“That’s odd. Those two go hand in hand. Where there’s pulling or pain in the biceps femoris, there’s typically inflammation and tugging in the IT band. I’ll talk with Dr. Silverberg about anti-inflammatories and getting you some rest for the muscle group. In the meantime, ice baths twice per day to the belly button. Heat twice a day. I’ll make sure AT is apprised and can offer additional stretches for you and that they’re going light on you on this side.”
“Uh. Well…” He stutters and blushes to the roots of his white-blond hair.
“Great. We can revisit in three weeks, Sam.” I turn for my desk and sit, staring with forced concentration at my screens. I turn only to add, “Will you close the door on your way out? I have reports to prepare for medical. Thank you.”
The kid is a trip. I’d find it funny if it were happening to someone else.
I grab my phone and text Sabine, ignoring the notifications glaring at me.
Me:New kid just asked for another butt massage. Got twice a day ice baths for his balls for the next 21 days. I love my job.
Bean:How fast before he learns not to mess with you?
Me:I’m guessing the second time he dunks his twig and berries in a slushie.
Bean:Boss bitch move. You made my day.
Me:I also managed to accidentally text Layton when I was dropping my phone earlier. Very little boss in that move.
Bean:Did he respond?
Me:I don’t know. I refuse to look. And it doesn’t matter anyway.
Bean:You could block him and never have to worry again.
Me:And always wonder…
Bean:I’m sorry, Liv. Love you!
Me:Love you too!
A knock interrupts my thoughts, and I set my phone face down on my desk. “Come in.”
Dr. Silverberg walks in, a glum look on his face. He gestures to the chair asking permission to sit.
“Please do.” I lean back in my chair, swiveling away from my monitors to face him.
“I wanted you to know before it’s announced to the papers. Layton Ranger has separated from the team. His agent presented an injury settlement. The team agreed seeing as he’ll never be able to take another tackle, not with his medical history, and that’s assuming he could run.”
I sit trying to avoid my face revealing any reaction.
“He wasn’t injured in training or a game and they would’ve had to cut otherwise. He’s been too valuable to the franchise, so it was a graceful bow out on his part, and an easy one for the team to agree to.”
I nod.
“I don’t know who or how it will be announced, but it won’t be confidential after that point. Management will require all medical records be remitted to legal for archiving by five. Do you have anything you need to submit?”
I swallow hard and gather my raw nerves into a careful knot. “I’ll look. Anything I need to submit will be in the portal before close of business.”
“Thanks. I know you two were friends, so I’m sorry.”
I nod again, at a loss for words and fighting a losing battle with my emotions.
He stands and makes his way to the door, only to turn around when he arrives, and smirk. “Did the new kid try to get you to touch his ass?”
I tilt my head. “He tried. He won’t attempt it again.”