Page 38 of Dilectio
As the door closes behind her, I'm left alone with the image seared into my mind — Quinn, the woman who has captured my heart, seemingly involved with another man. The jealousy gnaws at me, but at the same time I feel a sense of hypocrisy. After all, I've been denying my true feelings for her.
As I stare out the window, the sun casting long shadows across the manicured lawn, I'm torn between my duty to my family and business and my feelings for Quinn. The stakes have never been higher.
I find Paige in her room, sitting cross-legged on her bed, surrounded by an array of stuffed animals. Her bright blue eyes light up when she sees me, and a genuine smile spreads across her face.
"Daddy!" she exclaims, her excitement contagious. "You're here to tuck me in tonight?"
I nod, my heart swelling with love for my little girl. "Yes, sweetheart. I wanted to spend some time with you before bedtime."
She beams, clutching her favorite bedtime story,The Adventures of Princess Penelope, to her chest. "Can you read this to me, Daddy? Quinn usually does, but I want you to do it tonight."
I take the book from her small hands, feeling a twinge of guilt for the time I've missed with her lately. Settling down next to her on the bed, I open the book and begin reading.
"Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom far, far away, there lived a brave and beautiful princess named Penelope..."
Paige listens attentively, her eyes wide with wonder as I bring the characters to life. She giggles at the funny parts and gasps at the suspenseful moments, completely enraptured by the story.
As we reach the end of the book, I notice her eyelids growing heavy, and she yawns, trying to stifle it behind her hand. I close the book and set it gently on the nightstand.
"Did you enjoy that, sweetheart?" I ask, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead.
Paige nods sleepily. "It was awesome, Daddy. I wish you could read to me every night."
I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead, my heart aching with love and the weight of my responsibilities. "I'll do my best to be here more often, I promise."
Just as she's about to drift off to sleep, she whispers a question that catches me off guard. "Daddy, are you gonna marry Quinn? She's the best nanny ever, and she's super cool. I want her to be my second mommy."
I'm momentarily taken aback, unsure of how to respond. "I don't know, sweetheart," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "Quinn is very special to us, but sometimes things are a bit complicated."
Paige’s eyes flutter closed as she drifts off to sleep. As I watch her peaceful slumber, I'm reminded of the stakes at play, not just for my relationship with Quinn, but for Paige as well.
With a heavy heart and newfound determination, I rise from the bed and kiss Paige one more time before leaving her room. It's time to confront Quinn about the picture and face the difficult conversation that lies ahead. For the sake of my daughter, I must find a way to balance my personal and professional life.
The Notice
ThemomentEzrawalksup the stairs to tuck Paige in, a cyclone of emotions surges within me. Fury at his denial of our relationship, frustration over the secrecy that has plagued us for so long, and heartbreak at the realization that I might not be enough for him. I can't hold back my tears any longer. Grabbing my phone, I step outside into the backyard, my fingers trembling as I dial Kate's number.
As I step out onto the patio, I take in the sprawling suburban estate that has become my home. The meticulously manicured lawn stretches out before me, illuminated by the soft glow of garden lights. The scent of blooming flowers fills the air, but the beauty of the scene does nothing to calm the turmoil inside me.
Kate answers on the second ring. "Hey, Quinn. What's up?" Her cheerful voice is a stark contrast to the storm brewing within me.
"Kate... I don't know what to do." My voice cracks, and I choke back a sob. "I overheard a conversation between Ezra and Marianne today. They were talking about me."
"What did they say?" Kate's tone shifts, concern evident in her voice.
I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Marianne asked if there was something going on between me and Ezra. He didn't admit it. He just said that we're good friends and that I'm an amazing nanny to Paige. I'm furious, Kate. This secrecy has been an issue for so long, and that conversation was the last straw."
I can hear Kate's sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line. "Oh, Quinn... I'm so sorry."
"That's not all," I continue, the words tumbling out of me like a torrent. "A few days ago, I met Liam for drinks. He wanted to get back together, but I told him no. Yesterday, he sent me a picture of us holding hands at the restaurant, and it's all over the social blogs now. Marianne showed the picture to Ezra, and he looked so hurt and angry. But honestly, Kate, I don't even care what he thinks about the photo right now. I'm just so done with it all."
"Quinn, this is a mess," Kate says, her voice gentle but firm. "But you have to talk to Ezra. You can't let this fester."
"I know.” My heart is heavy with the weight of our unspoken words. "But what if this ruins everything?”