Page 3 of Odium
He was left in town? Why would they have done that? This was obviously written quite some time ago, so I keep flipping the pages, hoping for an address, a name, or any other details that might be more specific than what I have so far. Anything that could point me in the direction of my abandoned brother.
‘Leiv approached me in town today and asked about Carwen. The boy has balls, I’ll give him that, but now he knows what the consequences would be if he attempts to come back to our home. He is of no use to me, and Carwen will never be his. Levi Irving may have been born Leiv Greene, but I will never acknowledge his blood as my own again. He can rot in that filthy garage he’s so proud of. Teivel is a fitting town for such a disappointment.’
Teivel? Could he really have been that close all of this time? I memorize the street address Father jotted down and place the book back in the drawer, closing it with a trembling hand. Now that I have a possible location for Leiv, I want to rush off to find him, but I know it’s not that simple. I have things I have to do before it will be possible for me to leave. Father is smart and far stronger than I am; Leiv should be in his mid-twenties by now, but he wouldn’t be used to dealing with a man like Alastor. No, if I want this to work, I am going to have to weaken him quite a bit before I can act. Luckily, mother left me the perfect course of action, whether she realized it or not.
I slip out of the room and onto the roof, closing the window to his office discreetly behind me. I walk the six feet over to the wide-open area outside of my art room, sit down on the still-warm shingles, and then I lay back with a smirk, thinking over all that I have learned this week and everything I have planned for the next. Losing myself in my thoughts, I don’t hear when he approaches me, and I nearly scream when he speaks.
“What are you smiling about, Wild One?” I jump at Alastor’s sharp tone, but I quickly smooth my nerves. He looks sleepy and… amused? He couldn’t possibly know where I have been, only where I am rightnow. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be looking at me in the way he is. If I hadn’t found that woman in the cellar, it would be easy for me to believe the twisted lies his eyes are trying to tempt me with in this moment. But that’s my secret to carry alone for the time being. I will continue to play this game with him because I know what he’s capable of if he finds out I’m anything other than his devoted wife, and I won’t survive it.
“I’m smiling?” I grin up at him, and he maneuvers his broad shoulders through the open window and strides over to where I’m sprawled out on the roof.
“Yes, you are.” He sits beside me, leaning back, and places his large palm on my stomach. “Could this be why?”
“Itisexciting. A little too early to know though, don’t you think?”
“Yes, but I’ll allow you to ride me each morning too, so it won’t take long before you will give me another daughter.” He grunts, tugging on my waist and motioning for me to kneel next to him, and I’m surprised to see that he is already hard again. I had hoped he would sleep through the night, but here he is, awake and ready for me again.
“A daughter?” I lift my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side.
“One as beautiful and obedient as you are, Carwen.” He runs both hands up my abdomen and pinches my nipples roughly. “Now, be a good girl, and show me how much you love me.”
I reach into his boxers, pulling his dick free, and lean over, giving him one long lick from root to tip with the flat of my tongue the way he likes. Without pausing, I suck his entire length into my mouth, letting the head of his cock hit and linger in the back of my throat until I can no longer hold my breath. I feign a gag and sit up slightly, giving him a clear look at my red face and watering eyes, and continue to pump my fist up and down his shaft, knowing my tears typically drive him over the edge.
“Get. On. Carwen.” He grits out impatiently on the edge. “If you waste my seed on your fist, that’s all you’ll eat for a week.”
I quickly slide out of my shorts and straddle him, hating that I still love the way he feels filling me. I tilt my head back, moaning loudly, but keep my eyes focused only on the stars above us. I make short work of riding him, twisting my hips with each rise and descent exactly how he taught me, and shiver when his hands slide from my breasts down to my hips, gripping them so roughly I’m sure they will bruise from the force. I know he’ll check later- the purple bruises turning him on so much he will take me wherever we happen to be, no matter what we are doing. He grunts as he lifts his hips and slams me down onto him- each bounce harder than the last- and only a second later, his body stiffens, and I feel him spill into me.
“Stay,” He rolls me onto my back, beside him, and adjusts himself a bit before putting both arms back behind his head, relaxing. “You can clean me up when we go in, but for now, just lay there. Otherwise, you will lose my gift and make the last thirty minutes a total waste of my time.”
“Yes, sir.” I swallow roughly, and I drift off, counting the stars.
“Which one?” He turns his head to the side, regarding me with a raised brow, and I welcome his question as the distraction I need right now.
“My favorite star tonight? That one.” I point out past the washed-out red barn- converted into his woodshop- to a tiny star hovering in the night sky right above the cluster of trees by the creek bed. The single twinkling star a beacon reminding me of my next step on the path to our salvation.
“Why?” He asks, genuinely interested.
“Passionflower.” I giggle when he furrows his brows in confusion. “Tea, Alastor. When you came out here, you asked me why I was smiling. That’s why- the creek beds should be in full bloom by now, which means I get to make you fresh new batches of tea.”
“And you’re that excited about my tea?” He stands, helping me to my feet, and motions to the window.
“Of course.” I climb through first, waiting for him to join me inside, with my hands clasped in front of me. “I’m always excited when I have a chance to make you happy.”
“Then you need to get some sleep, Wild One.” He leads me back to our bedroom and blocks my attempt to duck into the bathroom. “Nope. You can go in the morning. Now get in bed.”
“Yes, sir.” I climb into the bed we share, pulling the hand-knit blanket my grandmother made for him when he took his first wife, and wait patiently while he uses the restroom and then joins me under the covers.
“You can head to the creek bed after breakfast.” He nudges me onto my side, facing away from him, and wraps himself around me as if he’s making sure I stay put the remainder of the night.
“Yes, sir.”
“And after you’ve ridden me again,” he adds with a chuckle, kissing the back of my neck.
“Thank you, Alastor.”
“You’re welcome, Wild One. You’ve earned it. You’re always such a good girl.”