Page 100 of Make Me Queen
I tried to figure out how to get the cages open.
I was so close to my men, but I still couldn’t save them.
I’d have to find the Demon. He must have the key.
“Welcome home, Delilah.” The Demon’s voice came over the speakers, making me jump. His voice was clear but loud; he’d cranked the volume. Made sense. He always thought about himself more than anyone else. “You know, I already showed your men your baby book. But I thought you’d like to reminisce with me too.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Just watch the screen.”
Stellan reached through the bars and caught my hand. “We know who you really are, Aurora.”
I held his hand, but I watched the screen.
And his hand turned cold in mine.
I remembered now.
I’d killed so many people.
And I wasn’t exactly sad about it.
Then the Demon stepped into the room.
“Well, Nina, you always wanted to visit the cabin.” The Demon spread his arms out to encompass the space. “Are you happy now?”
“I could never be happy when I have to look at your face.”
“That’s not true. You were happy for years.” The Demon stroked her face. She jerked at her chains, but couldn’t escape. “Sweet, stupid Nina. I’m glad our girl got my brains.”
“Fuck you,” she said, and the Demon winced at the expletive. “She’s nothing like you.”
“Oh, she’s everything like me,” the Demon disagreed. He turned and looked into my face. “I’ve got you back. Don’t I, my girl?”
“Yes,” I said swiftly.
I needed to get him to trust me. To get control of the situation.
“I guess we’ll see,” he said.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. “Before you get any ideas, Delilah…this is just for Cain’s cage. And I’m going to bring your mom with us, too. I want her to see this.”
The Demon unlocked my mother’s chains and moved her to the next room.
While he was gone, the guys tried to talk to me.
But I didn’t get the chance to answer before the Demon returned, with Cain in tow.
“I know better than to try to hold a gun on you, of course,” the Demon told Cain. “But surely you’ve noticed the collar around your neck. One wrong move, and you’ll be injected with my very favorite poison. You’ll be dead before you have time for a goodbye kiss.”
The Demon held up the remote. Cain crossed his massive arms over his chest.
“I promise you this works better than a tranq dart,” the Demon said.
Cain made eye contact with me. He looked expectant, like I was supposed to say or do something.
Then the door clicked open.