Page 104 of Make Me Queen
Surely he had one here. He’d had it at all of the other places I’d lived with him.
In a surge of desperation, I leapt up and started rifling through the cabinets, looking for the device.
It had to be there. It had to be.
Finally…my trembling hands closed around a cold metal casing.
Sprinting back to Cain’s body, I positioned the defibrillator's paddles on his chest.
I’d never prayed before. But I prayed then, to every divine force that existed in the universe, willing them to answer my plea.
With a shaky breath, I pressed the button, unleashing a surge of electricity that coursed through his body. The room crackled with anticipation, the atmosphere heavy with the possibility of both life and death.
"Come back to me, Cain," I whispered, my voice a fragile thread of hope. "Don't you dare leave me."
The electric current jolted through Cain's body, his muscles convulsing in response. A flicker of doubt threatened to extinguish the flame of hope within me, but I refused to let it consume me. I pressed the button again, my touch a desperate plea for his return.
In that moment, his eyes snapped open, wide and filled with a mix of confusion and pain. He gasped, struggling to find his breath, his chest heaving with newfound life. His gaze met mine, a spark of recognition glimmering within the depths of his irises.
"Aurora?" he rasped, his voice weak.
I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my face as relief washed over me like a tidal wave. "Yes, Cain. It's me. You're here. You're alive."
He reached for my hand, his touch trembling but resolute. "You’re back?” he croaked. I knew what he was asking—he was wondering if the real Aurora was back. Or if I was still stuck in my blood stained past.
I nodded, unable to speak. The relief I was feeling at that moment was a living, breathing thing that blocked everything else out.
He passed out again, but his chest kept rising and falling. His heart kept beating.
He needed a hospital though. Immediately.
I took a deep breath and dragged myself from his side, ignoring Nina weeping in a corner, and I ran down the hall to where the others were still caged.
The stench of despair clung to the cold, damp air of the basement, suffocating me as my trembling hands fumbled along the grimy walls, trying to find a light the Demon had flicked back off after we’d left the room. My heart pounded in my chest, its erratic rhythm a constant reminder of the ticking clock, counting down the precious seconds Cain had left before there was nothing I could do to bring him back.
Finally, my hand caught on the switch and the light flicked on, illuminating the room.
“Where’s Cain?”
The guys all hollered things at me at once, and I took a step towards them…until I realized the keys would be with the Demon still.
“Be right back,” I called as I fled the room, heading back to where the Demon's lifeless body lay. There was a terrifying rattling sound coming from Cain’s chest, but I forced myself to continue with my task. With shaky hands, I reached into his pockets, relief hitting me when I felt the cold metal of the keys against my trembling fingertips.
A quick glance at the Demon…and what I’d done to him, and I was dry heaving. Waves of revulsion clawing at my skin. With a deep breath, I tore myself away from his lifeless body, the keys clutched tightly in my grasp.
Back in the main room finally, I raced over to the cages and inserted the key into the first lock, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and fear.
The sound of the lock releasing was like a sweet symphony, a whispered promise of liberation. Stellan emerged from the cage, his eyes filled with both gratitude and pain. I rushed to the next, unlocking it with a fervor born of determination and love.
Remington emerged, his body battered but his spirit unbroken. Paxton followed suit. Their faces were etched with a mix of relief and exhaustion.