Page 112 of Make Me Queen
I sighed and shook my head, not wanting to look him in the face. “It’s nothing new. I just wonder—”
“What?” he asked, stopping me in the hallway and turning me around so I had no choice but to face him.
“I wonder how you could look at your daughter, the daughter you handed off, and just be…disappointed.” I laughed harshly and pulled my chin from his grip so I could stare at the wall. “I don’t think I could ever be a mother,” I whispered, my mind going there for probably the first time ever. “I don’t want to wake up one day and realize that I’m just like them. That I’m just as selfish, just as…disappointing.”
Cain growled and whipped my head around. A second later, his lips smashed against mine and he was kissing me desperately, like his kiss could erase the dark thoughts running rampant in my head.
After I was breathless and on the verge of passing out from lack of oxygen, he released me, one hand going around my neck and flickering around my pulse point. “Have my children, don’t have my children, but whatever choice you make, it fucking better have nothing to do with thinking you won’t be a good mother. I have no doubts when it comes to that. There won’t be a child more loved and more cared for than ours. I promise you.”
I stared up at him, wide-eyed at the passion in his voice. I’d never really thought Cain would want kids. Or at least I’d thought he wouldn’t care either way. But that wasnotwhat I was hearing right then.
A picture of a golden, tousled hair child filled my head, and I found myself…yearning for it.
“Well, I guess we can cross that bridge when we come to it…eventually.”
Cain’s gaze seemed to burn and smolder in the dim light as he studied my face. “Just as long as we’re clear about how that decision will be made.”
I patted him on the shoulder, attempting to lighten the tension threaded through the air. “Message received. Let’s just make sure you don’t mess with my birth control now that you seem to have developed some kind of “daddy” kink.”
He rolled his eyes…but he didn’t dispute it.
Well then.
The door down the hallway opened and Nina stepped out, coming to a halt when she saw Cain crowded over me against the wall…one of his hands still around my neck.
“I’m ready to go,” she said disapprovingly as her cheeks flushed with an embarrassed glow.
I loved that I no longer cared.
“The car’s this way,” I told her, just as stiffly, and I turned and walked away, not really caring if she followed or not.
“Where are the others?” I asked.
“I’m sure waiting in the car already,” remarked Cain casually.
“Waiting in the—wait, were you guys watching me?” My voice sounded indignant, but honestly, I was just amused.
Cain sighed, as if my question bored him. “Of course. We’re always watching. You have a habit of getting in trouble. And we’d have to kill everyone if something happened to you.”
I stared at him, my mouth falling open in shock. “I don’t even know what to say to that. When do I get to chip you too?” I snarked.
“Whenever you want, little devil. Although maybe hold off on drugging me this time. I’ll gladly sit still for you to do it.”
I smiled, thinking of the little tattoo incident. “We’ll see,” I teased. He shook his head, and then abruptly scooped me into his arms and threw me over his shoulder. I squeaked as my stomach hit his shoulder, well aware Nina was watching us with disdain.
Just like Cain had said, Paxton, Remington, and Stellan were waiting by the Escalade.
“Have fun spying on me?” I drawled at them, still hanging upside down. None of their smirks looked guilty in the slightest as they stared back at me.
I spanked Cain’s ass. “You can let me down now.”
He just handed me off to Paxton who slid with me into the backseat. Everyone else filed in as well, with Cain driving, of course. Nina settled herself reluctantly into the front seat.
“Where would you like to be dropped off?” Cain asked sarcastically as we pulled out of the driveway.
“The rental car place,” Nina responded.