Page 13 of Make Me Queen
“Jenna knows how special you are,” Stellan said from the backseat. “She’s one of the rare ones who can see it. She’ll understand.”
“I like him,” I mouthed at Cain, who looked distinctly unimpressed.
Cain scoffed. “You don’t need girlfriends. You have us.”
“Oh, you four are part of why I desperately need girlfriends,” I said. “You’re all insane. You’d drag me down into your insanity and I wouldn’t even realize what was happening without some little spots of normal.”
“You’re the most insane of all of us,” Cain said.
I frowned at him, and he leaned over and caught my hair in his hand, dragging my face to his so he could kiss me. He kissed me hard, his lips caressing mine open until his tongue thrust against mine. When he pulled away, his hand still in my hair, his eyes were dark with desire and I was breathless.
“I love your insanity,” he told me. “It’s not an insult.”
I was far too turned-on at the moment for someone with an urgent mission, and I squeezed my knees together, pushing away the desire to fuck two of my favorite people in the backseat on the road outside a potential serial killer’s house. Common sense could only cause that flame of desire to flicker…a little.
“I’ve got an idea,” I said. “I could pretend that I need his help… because the Demon is coming after me. And since they’re enemies, I thought maybe the enemy of my enemy could be my friend…”
Cain raised an eyebrow at me, his powerful arms spread to either side, one slung behind my passenger seat. “That’s a stupid idea. He’d have to believe you’re stupid.”
“In my experience, lots of men are strongly inclined to believe women are stupid. It might as well serve us sometimes.”
"I'm not sure you can fake stupid very convincingly, Aurora," Stellan said.
"Try me," I responded, twirling a strand of hair around my fingers. "He hasn't seen me–that I know of, at least–since I was eleven years old."
"What if he tries to take you?"
"Then we'll know just who he is, and you white knights will come riding to my defense."
Cain gave me a long look.
"Please," I said. "The clock is ticking. I have to help my mom."
Cain shrugged. "Alright. I'm all for moving the timeline up on dealing with your father and mine. I'd like to get back to peace and quiet."
"Peace and quiet?"
"Yeah. Fucking you with a gag in your mouth. Making you scream but not letting you. That kind of quiet." He touched his thumb to my lip.
"That's your idea of peace?"
"My idea of peace is taking your ass with my hand on your throat while my friends watch," he said, and his dirty words sent a shiver of desire down my spine. "Hey, we're all fighting for something."
The reminder that we'd have to face his father—who had tried to kill me once—would've weighed on me if I hadn't had far more pressing dangers to deal with.
Stellan called Pax and Remy to tell them what the plan was. Remy told us that he'd found surveillance set up around the perimeter of the property—enough that it seemed highly suspicious.
He had, of course, already taken care of it.
"Does that mean he's tipped off that we're here?" Stellan demanded.
"Of course not," Remy said over speakerphone. "You insult me. It's all looped video and audio. He's not going to realize there's anything wrong."
"Aurora's counting on you," Cain warned him.
I didn’t need to see Remy to picture his beatific smile as he said, “You all always are.”
"Would he be able to see our car?" I asked.