Page 41 of Make Me Queen
It certainly seemed empty. There wasn't a single sound emanating from inside except for Cain's footsteps as he walked. I followed him, my gun also raising as I took in the warehouse.
I don't know if it was my imagination or not, but something in the air feltoff. Sometimes you could just feel danger. And this was one of those times.
We started down a row of stacked shelves that extended four stories tall into the air. Unlike some of the other warehouses I’d been in, this one was all one level with aisles and aisles of metal shelving breaking up the space.
We started down one of the aisles, and Cain cursed when his foot hit something and it clattered loudly as it rolled away.
"I can't see anything," he growled.
I pulled out my penlight, but it didn't do much to illuminate the darkness surrounding us. There weren’t any windows in the place, just occasional cracks around the doors where there was light coming in from the street lamps outside. But that didn't help with much.
"Fuck this," Cain finally snapped, pulling out a small flashlight and turning it on.
He slowly raised it so we could see farther down the aisle, and we both cursed as the light hit the end…
And hit a pair of someone's shoes.
There was a low familiar chuckle that filled the air as Cain yanked the flashlight up to Alexander's face, a cold, cruel smile written all over it.
Cain swung the flashlight all along the back where Alexander was standing, and there was the crumpled body of the missing driver.
Alexander was good, I’d definitely give him that.
"Hello, Father," Cain said in a calm, collected voice.
"I'm surprised that you didn't burst into flames when you said that, son," Alexander spit back coolly.
"Do you have more men hiding somewhere? Because you're a bit outnumbered."
Alexander chuckled softly again, and took a calculated step forward. "You know, Cain. It didn't take long after you were born to realize that something was off about you. You never cried. You never seemed to like any affection that your mother and I gave you. You just sat there, even as a baby, taking in the room. As you got older, we took you in for testing, thinking you might be autistic or something, but all the tests came back negative. And you had plenty of friends at school. You were always popular even though the children knew they should be scared of you, even then. That at least gave your mother and I some hope."
"Interesting time for a walk down memory lane," Cain drawled.
There was a tic in Alexander's cheek at that comment. He was obviously not a fan of Cain's tone. But he continued on.
“It wasn't until you were about thirteen or so that we realized we might have a son with a different kind of disorder. Maybe not a sociopath per se, but definitely something close to it. We hoped in time that you would grow out of it. That we could fix you…" He shook his head, the weight of his disappointment a tangible taste in the room.
"Yes, we thought we could fix you, and what fools we were to think that." He shook his head again. "My only son. What a disappointment you've turned out to be."
Cain lifted his gun, aiming at his father.
Alexander threw back his head and laughed, the sound echoing around the room. "You going to kill me? Stand in front of me and shoot me in cold blood?"
"Oh, I doubt there's much cold blood in there."
Just as Cain was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly lurched forward with a growl. I glanced over, shock coursing through my veins as I saw a small knife sticking out of his shoulder. There was his mother, standing there in a white linen dress, like some kind of demonic housewife. I hadn't heard her approach at all.
She patted Cain on the shoulder and darted around his other side so she was out of reach to me. I lunged towards her but Cain reached out and grabbed my arm before I could get anywhere.
"Pull the fucking thing out of me," he snapped. I glanced over to where Cain's mom was now standing next to Alexander, my eyes narrowing at the two of them. I was still quite sure that the Demon would win any award for worst parent of the year,but they were making gains.
"Why the fuck did you just do that?" I snapped as I pulled the knife out. The blade shouldn't be close to anything important. I'd be able to stitch him up after this, but there was nothing quite like being stabbed in the back…by your mother.
"Oh, Aurora, you know what they say. Your marriage should be the foundation of your life. There is nothing more important. Your kids will grow up and leave and it’ll just be you and your husband." Her gaze hardened. "I certainly didn't anticipate Cain leaving the nest so soon, but as a mother, I can adjust accordingly.”
I gave her a disgusted look. "Sorry, but is leave the nesta fancy way to saydie?”
Cain chuckled, not sounding pissed off at all about the fact that there was blood currently trickling out of the wound in his back…a wound put there by his own mother.