Page 73 of Make Me Queen
Not something I actually needed, of course, but I appreciated it nonetheless. I knew that Remington could see how desperate I was for as much human interaction as I could get.
I shivered, my teeth chattering—and Remington’s words trailed off.
“How—how are you doing?”
I gritted my teeth, trying to stave off the shivers. I shrugged, realizing belatedly he couldn’t see me.
“I mean, I would prefer to be somewhere else if given the chance,” I said sarcastically, not wanting to give the Demon the satisfaction of describing just how awful it had been.
“Cain’s been insufferable, so you’ve probably been better off,” offered Remington, and I snorted, a smile coming to my lips that was truly shocking considering our current conditions.
We descended into silence, but the darkness didn’t seem as terrifying anymore.
Even with the dead body I knew was in the corner across the room.
Better not tell Remington about that. Him being unconscious when he was hauled into the room was the only silver lining he’d get in this place.
“Hey Paxton,” Remington finally said after a few minutes.
I was lying on my back, staring up into the inky blackness, imagining Aurora’s face. “Yeah?” I answered.
“You can sleep, man. I’ll stay awake and keep watch.”
A strange, choked up sensation hit the back of my throat. A reminder I had three brothers I could count on for anything.
“Thanks, Remy,” I finally said, not ashamed at all about the emotion clogging my words.
I closed my eyes, and for the first time in days…I actually slept.
* * *
“Paxton,”Remington’s urgent voice broke through my dream.
“Rise and shine,” the Demon’s voice assaulted the dream I’d been having—about his daughter. That and the bright lights suddenly filling the room equaled the worst wakeup call I could imagine.
But I wasn’t alone anymore. The thought hit me hard and fierce, and I glanced over with watery eyes from the sudden light, relieved to see Remington sitting cross legged in his cage, staring at the Demon with a blank, heavy-lidded gaze.
He was real. I hadn’t just dreamt his presence out of desperation. Hal-a-fucking-lujah.
The Demon was humming something that resembled “Sweet Caroline”, and dread poured over me like cold water. Aurora had mentioned that song before, hadn’t she?
I couldn’t remember exactly what she’d said, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know it meant something bad.
He walked over to the long table against the walls, and lifted up a knife that I could tell from here had a sharp, serrated edge…like shark’s teeth.
Hopefully without all the bacteria of a shark’s mouth, because I had a sneaking suspicion that knife was meant for one of us.
“I hope you boys are enjoying the accommodations,” he said in a psycho-smooth voice. He sounded so fucking pleasant, it was more terrifying than if he sounded angry. It was a voice that told you he’d offer you cookies at the door right before he slit you open and ate your liver with some onions.
“Well, the bedside service is a little lacking, but the decor rivals any five star hotel I’ve been to,” drawled Remington.
My eyes widened as the Demon stopped sharpening the knife he’d been holding, obviously as caught off guard by Remington’s nerve as I was.
What the fuck was he doing?
“I’ll let management know,” the Demon finally answered in an amused voice.
“You’ll also have to let me know who your pillow supplier is,” Remington continued. “Who knew hard steel could be so comfortable.”