Page 78 of Make Me Queen
I glanced over at Stellan, slightly amused despite the circumstances. Cain just sighed in that impatient way of his, like he didn’t have to wonder about such inane things because he knew everything.
“This place is definitely haunted,” mused Stellan a few minutes later, when we were standing outside the worn, rusted, metal gate that surrounded the cemetery.
It definitely looked like the scene from a horror film. The headstones were all in states of ruin. Cracks, mold, and mildew covered the stones, most of the writing barely visible through the decay. There were headstones lying on their sides, and some were even broken. Because the graveyard had been closed after the bodies had been found, there was no one maintaining the grounds. So the grass was long and wild, and weeds and wildflowers bloomed every which way.
I could already feel my allergies wanting to make an appearance from all the wild plants.
We were stationed on the corner farthest from the road. That didn’t guarantee that we wouldn’t come across some of the cult members, but it lessened the likelihood since most of them were parking nearby.
It was still weird to me to see one of the Demon’s followers getting out of a Prius.
“I’m betting a lot of them are tax accountants,” I whispered to Stellan.
He thought for a second and then nodded his head in agreement. “I bet you’re right. Has to be some paper pusher kind of job for sure.”
There was a sharp crack behind us and I swung around, my mouth dropping when I saw that Cain had just snapped one of the cult members’ necks.
“Can we please spend more time paying attention to our surroundings, and less time wondering what they put on their Indeed profile?” Cain snarked.
Stellan shot him a wide grin and Cain flipped him off.
I was smiling as I turned back around to stare at the group gathering, but my smile dropped when I saw how many people were suddenly there. It had to be over a hundred. And there were still more coming in.
“This was more than I was prepared for,” I mused, unease stirring in the back of my neck.
“They must have another website that we haven’t found yet,” said Cain in a tense voice. He’d pulled out his phone and was looking through the message boards. “There were like ten people who responded to the announcement on the page. In the past, those numbers have matched up.”
“Maybe this will be even more attractive for the Demon,” Stellan offered hopefully.
I bit down on my lip as I surveyed the scene. They were too far away for us to hear anything but the low din of voices. We were going to have to get closer so we could hear what they were saying about the Demon. But we should be safe as long as we stayed hidden. I had no doubt that the three of us could inflict quite a bit of damage to the crowd…but eventually, we would still be overrun due to the sheer size of the gathering.
“Let’s go,” Cain murmured, leaning forward and ducking behind a weeping willow.
It was funny how when you were trying to be quiet, every small noise sounded like a roar. As we crept along the side of the cemetery, I winced every time a twig would break, even though it was impossible for any of the cult members to hear us from this far away.
I could see their lips moving, but it wasn't until we got closer that I realized they were chanting something.
"What language is that?" asked Stellan.
"It's Latin," Cain and I responded at the same time.
"Why do all the bad guys always know how to speak Latin?" Stellan mused.
"I know Latin,” said Cain.
We both raised our eyebrows, because honestly, he’d just proven Stellan right.
Cain smirked, obviously very proud of himself, and then we turned our attention back to the Demon worshippers.
"Okay, Mr. Latin, what are they saying?" asked Stellan.
Cain cocked his head, and grimaced.
"They’re praying to the Demon. Bunch of psychos."
I nodded. I wouldn't have been afraid of the cemetery at all without that crowd of crazies there. But with their demonic sounding chant, and the fact that it was dark, I had to admit the scene was a bit creepy.
The chant abruptly ended and the cemetery descended into complete silence as the crowd just stood there.