Page 80 of Make Me Queen
"No! Please!" His screams rang through the air, and I watched as he fell to the ground. Almost in unison, several of the cult members held knives high in the air, slicing them down towards the struggling man, until his screams were no more.
Stellan shivered next to me, and I squeezed his hand.
"What was the next thing on their little cult agenda?" Stellan whispered.
"You," a voice said from behind us.
"Fuck," Cain growled as we swirled around and saw at least twenty figures hiding in the trees behind us.
"It’s an ambush. They knew we were here and used him as a distraction," I murmured, dread settling over my skin. I pulled out the knife I had sheathed around my thigh, and Cain and Stellan both drew their guns.
"Okay, a couple hundred against three. No problem," Stellan joked.
"How did you know we were here?" I said as they trudged towards us. Cain, Stellan, and I began to retreat to the left, hoping to avoid a situation where the worshippers behind us boxed us in. A quick glance behind me showed that they were still concentrating on their victim for the most part, with the exception of a few of the outer lying ones that were watching where we stood with interest, even though I doubted they could see us well thanks to the heavy tree line.
"Delilah, you’ve disappointed your father," the one closest to us said in a gravelly voice.
"I'm sure he'll survive," I retorted sarcastically.
"When I saythree, you need to run," murmured Cain.
I shot him a look of disgust, because obviously I wasn't going to do that.
"I'm serious," he snarled. “I’m not going to let you fall into the Demon's hands. He’s obviously planned this."
"I appreciate the sentiment, but either we all leave here, or none of us leave," I responded calmly, taking a deep breath as I prepared myself for what was to come.
"He's going to spank you for that," muttered Stellan, and I almost laughed.
“Almost” being the operative word, because it was a little hard to find humor in the situation right now.
Taking a glance towards the crowd again, my heart sank when I saw they were starting to head towards us. So far, we were all just walking, but I was sure that would change any minute now.
As if he had read my mind, Cain grabbed my arm and yanked me further to the left. "Let's try to outrun them, and if we can't, then we’ll fight," he whisper yelled.
We took off, and like ants out of a mound you’ve just stepped in, the cult members were suddenly swarming from…everywhere.
Including the direction we were trying to run.
"Fuck! How are there still so many of them?" Stellan yelled.
"This way," Cain said frantically, the first hint of panic in his voice.
I was feeling panic too. There were so many of them. Cain aimed his gun in front of us where three of the cult members stood and fired it, picking them off one by one. They fell to the ground, their screeches and groans filling the night.
I would prefer their screams over what everyone else was doing. It was that chant again, one that would be starring in my nightmares.
It was impressive how crowds could get on the same page and be perfectly in unison.
Someone lunged at me from the side and I stabbed out with my knife. I hit the person right in the jugular, their blood spraying all over me. I tried to pull my knife out, but it got stuck on something; evidently, I’d gone too deep. After I lost a few precious seconds trying to pull it out, I let the body drop with the knife still inside it, grabbing the blade I had hooked on my other thigh. I had one more knife on my waist, but another situation like that, and I'd soon be weaponless.
The cult members had picked up speed, and they were actively cutting off the small opening we'd made when Cain had fired those shots.
Cain and Stellan picked off more of the encroaching cult members, trying to keep the space open. But it was no use, there were just too many of them. They fell on us, and my knife was much easier in close combat than Stellan and Cain’s guns. Cain pulled out two knives from his belt and tossed one to Stellan, and all three of us got to work, slashing and stabbing as the Demon’s worshippers fell on us.
Despite the number of bodies falling by our hands, they kept coming, what felt like a limitless supply of psychos everywhere.
"Fuck," I heard Stellan yell, and I glanced behind me to see that six of them had a hold of him, and they were dragging him off. I immediately lunged after them, slicing away, but they dragged him too far into their midsts for me to make any headway.