Page 11 of A Kind Wedding
Her head was shaking before I even finished my sentence. "I wasn't hired to babysit or tutor players."
For the first time in a long time, I was beginning to think I wasn't going to win the battle of wills. I stepped closer to her again, loving the way her breath hitched and her eyes widened for a moment. She was irked at me, but whatever the chemistry was between us, she felt it too.
"I plan to be involved in this project as well. Do you have a problem working closely with me?"
For a moment, she looked tongue-tied, and it felt like a victory.
Finally, she said, "It's a big risk. It could blow up in your face."
I wondered if she was talking about Mikael or our working closely together. I suppose it was true for both, but that was what I liked about this situation. The risk gave it a bigger thrill.
Taking a chance, I stepped even closer, so close that it was inappropriate.
To her credit, she stood her ground. "Naomi said that you had crazy ideas and you didn't much care about the impact they have on other people."
"You say that like it's a bad thing, but look at what happened. Naomi is a trailblazer, coaching a men's minor-league hockey team. My tactics might've been infuriating to her, but in the end, she secured her place in the world of hockey, earned herself a championship, and I suspect if I asked her, she’d be willing to endure it again. And it's not like I'm asking you to do anything similar to what she was asked to do." The truth of the matter was if there were going to be any stories about Betts dating anyone on the team, it was sure as hell going to be with me.
We were supposed to be talking business. While standing this close to her, I was trying to provoke the passionate woman inside her, but my plan was working against me as I felt myself ensnared by her beautiful green eyes and the scent of her perfume. I’d felt the same at Naomi’s wedding. Completely captivated.
"I can't believe you think I forgot about the library. Not only have I not forgotten, but I couldn’t if I wanted to."
For a second, her eyes flashed with the passion I'd seen in the library, but she quickly tamped it down.
Undaunted, I continued, "I haven't seen the woman who was in the library since, but I'd sure like to."
"You're my boss." Her eyes worked to stay defiant, but the quaver in her voice gave her away. She was affected by me. Good. I didn’t want to be alone in feeling helpless.
I nodded, holding her gaze, feeling it like a tether between us and not wanting to let it snap. "I was your boss then too."
"It shouldn't have happened."
It was a disappointment to hear her say that, but I didn't get to where I was in business by giving in easily. "But it did."
I leaned in closer, half expecting her to push me away. For a moment, her eyes looked down, and I worried that I'd lost the connection.
Still, she didn't move away. As I studied her, I could feel the tug of war going on within her.
"Life is full of disappointments and hassles, so it's nice every now and then just to give in to something that feels good, don't you think?"
She lifted her gaze back up to mine, and while she didn't answer, I felt certain she was in agreement.
"I don't know about you, Betts, but I don't often feel very good. That night in the library... I hadn't felt that alive in a long time."
"It's not appropriate."
"If anyone found out, they'd think that was why I got my promotion."
"But it wasn't. Unless that was your plan. Did you seduce me for a promotion, Betts?" I knew the answer, but I also knew that by asking the question, she would be forced to disprove her concern.
Her green eyes flared with that wild heat I was growing addicted to. "Of course not."
"Then there's no problem." I was done hearing excuses, so I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips against hers. I didn't dive in and take, but instead, I was tentative in case she was going to push me away. When her fingers clutched my lapels, they pulled me closer, not away. Her head slanted, and she parted her lips, inviting me in.
My intention was one little taste, a morsel to get me through the rest of the day. But Betts wasn’t something I could just have a little taste of. I needed the whole thing.
The kiss sent an inferno through me, and my hands went to her hips, lifting her and setting her on the desk as I pushed her skirt up so that I could step between her thighs. I ground my dick against her panty covered pussy and groaned with the need to be inside her.