Page 77 of A Kind Wedding
Was I dreaming? I hoped not. When Todd arrived, I didn’t in a million years think we’d end up here, making love. To think I almost ruined it by not telling him I loved him when he’d said the words to me. I was so shocked to hear them. And then, all I could think about was making him understand my thought process for the decisions I'd made.
I had no illusions that everything would be smooth sailing. He was still my boss ... well ... if he deleted the resignation letter. There was much to talk about and work through. But we knew we loved each other and wanted this thing between us to work. That was a start.
“What are you thinking?” he asked as he slowly withdrew and slipped back in, like he had all the time in the world.
“That I might be dreaming.”
“Are your dreams usually this good?” He moved again, making it hard for me to think.
“No. This is better.”
He smiled and then kissed me. “All the pieces of my life have finally come together. Do you feel it too?”
I nodded, marveling that he’d perfectly articulated what I was feeling. “I feel it too.”
“It feels good.” He moved again, this time a little bit faster, harder, deeper.
I gasped and arched. “It feels beyond good.”
After that, there weren't any words, just sighs and moans as our bodies rocked in perfect sync, driving together toward the ultimate pleasure. We hit the pinnacle at the same time, and together, we flew, soared into bliss.
For long moments, we held each other as our breaths and heartbeats returned to normal. Finally, Todd rolled to his back, tugging me into his side. I rested my head on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart, a heart I knew beat for me.
“You know, I could stay here forever,” he said.
I lifted my head to look at him. His smile was so sweet and serene.
His brow furrowed. “Actually, I really could."
"You could what? Stay here forever?" It wasn't a bad idea, but there was Dean and this baby we needed to attend to.
"Well, maybe not right here forever, but I could resign from work too. I could focus on you and Dean and the baby." His hand pressed over my stomach.
It sounded lovely, except ... "You're the owner and CEO. I don't think you can resign."
"I can resign from being CEO. I could sell or have someone else run things."
"But you love business."
His eyes filled with such love, it made my chest swell with emotion. "I love you more. And Dean and this baby too. The only thing you all are asking of me is to love you, and so that's what I'm going to do."
"What about you and what you want?"
"I want to be a good husband and father."
My heart beat wildly, wondering if he meant that he wanted to be my husband.
"I want to love you, and I want you to love me back."
"I do." This was no wedding ceremony, and at the same time, I felt like I was committing my life to his.
I lifted my lips to his and kissed him. He rolled us until I was underneath him. His fingers pushed back my hair from my face. "Just so we're clear, what I'm saying is I want to make a life with you, Elisabeth. I know I come with a lot of baggage, and I'm going to be a senior citizen way before you—"
I pressed my fingers over his lips to stop him. "Do you know what I want?"
"Tell me. Whatever it is, I'm going to give it to you."
I smiled as I traced his lips with my fingers. "I want to be a good wife and mother."