Page 29 of Front Runner
What else would you let me do to you?
Real life Parker bumped me with his shoulder, and I sucked in air. The professor was lecturing about how humans used body language to signal enthusiasm for sex, and I realized for the first time how dangerous this class could be with Parker sitting next to me.
I catalogued every movement I made over the next hour, trying to be sure I didn’t give away my thoughts. Parker didn’t say anything more until the professor’s wrap-up when she glared in my direction while encouraging tutoring options.
He stood with the rest of the class, blocking my sight of the front with his broad shoulders. “Let me help you study. I’d offer the same thing to any of the guys. Eva, too.”
I stared up at him, debating the intelligence of his idea. If any of the other guys offered to help with a class where I was struggling, would I automatically say no? If they asked for help, what would I do?
Parker must have read the answer on my face because he nodded decisively. “I’ll come over after practice this afternoon if you’re free.”
Of course I was free. I made it a point to not be social, which he knew. At least Eva would be home too. Parker and I could study in the living room, and her presence would help me control my baser instincts.
Professor Declann may hate me, but my poor grade was on me. I was behind in the reading, and I had trouble focusing in class. Parker’s fault, naturally, so the least he could do was help me bring my grade up.
“Okay. You can help me study after practice—once—so it better be good.”
His slow smile lit a fire between my thighs. “You’re going to want more than once.”
Fuck, I was going to combust if he ever actually tried to seduce me.
* * *
Practice was a mess.The apartment was a mess. My life was a mess. Nothing new to see here. I rushed home after showering to find Eva lazing on the couch with a sink full of dishes in the kitchen.
As I frantically cleaned—when did we become slobs?—I informed her of my impromptu study session. Being the brat she was, she refused to give up the TV so we could study in the living room. Her exact words involved putting on my big girl panties and then taking them off.
Before I could argue, Parker knocked on the door. At least, I assumed it was Parker. Eva turned her attention back to the cheer videos she was watching, and I sighed. My bedroom was definitely worse than the living room, but at least Eva would be here to act as chaperone. With the door closed.
Yeah, that was going to be super helpful.
I yanked the front door open before I could talk myself out of it. Like me, Parker had showered and changed after practice. He wore sweats and a faded TU shirt that should have made him look like a hobo, but I’d yet to see Parker wear anything that took away from his sheer masculine beauty.
His jaw ticked as his gaze traveled down the length of me. I’d changed into my favorite SWU shorts and a tank top as a nod to the heat. Usually, I was comfortable in this outfit, but with Parker staring at me, I suddenly felt every inch of exposed skin.
With a start, I moved back to let him in. “We have to use my bedroom.”
“Fine by me.”
Eva snickered and waved at Parker as he strode through the living room. I glared at her as I closed the door and followed. She pretended not to see me, but I’d exact revenge later.
Parker had never been in my room—I didn’t let many people in there—so I expected him to take advantage of the opportunity to look around. I would have. He scanned the room with a cursory glance, then his gaze landed on me again, hovering by the closed door.
Why was I so jumpy? Eva was right outside, and our apartment wasn’t exactly soundproofed. Worst case scenario, Parker would ruin my opinion of him by hitting on me. I promised myself I’d kick him out, but it felt weak. If he made a move, I couldn’t guarantee my body wouldn’t mutiny and go rogue.
Ugh. I was tired of second-guessing everything. Parker was here to help my failing ass study. End of story.
I collapsed on the bed next to my backpack, utterly exhausted from my own mental gymnastics. “I need to change before we start.”
Parker grunted. “Don’t be a prude, Lorelai. I’ve seen you in less at practice. Scoot over.” He maneuvered his big body next to me on the double bed and stretched out his long legs.
I balked. “This is a bad idea.”
He tilted his head at me. “Nothing is going to happen. I wouldn’t do that to you. Now, open your book to page eighty-four.”
I fought a smile at the pedantic tone he adopted, and the nerves melted away.