Page 83 of Front Runner
“Go away,” I yelled over the water. A second later, a towel hit the glass door of the shower.
When I raised my head, Mac stood in the doorway with his hand over his eyes. “You have ten seconds to cover up before I come in there. I’m no stranger to naked ladies, but I’d prefer if I didn’t have to let Parker punch me for seeing your tatas.”
“You could just leave,” I muttered.
“Five seconds.”
I didn’t give a shit if Mac saw my tatas, but the towel was right there. I opened the door far enough to grab it, then draped it over my torso. Good enough.
“Why are you here instead of training?”
He dropped his hand and grinned at me. “Super secret spy mission.”
“In Parker’s bathroom?”
Mac raised his brows and nodded. “Where he’d least suspect.”
I leaned forward to turn the water off, and his gaze jerked upward. “Come on, RJ. Are you trying to get me killed?”
“Are you saying Parker doesn’t know you’re here?”
“Yes. I was sent by another party,” he told the ceiling.
“Eva?” I asked dryly.
“No comment.”
“What do you want?”
He finally looked at me again. “You have to come to the game this afternoon.”
I shook my head, perfectly happy to sit in a soggy lump in the bathroom until Parker got home. Well, not happy. I was pretty damn miserable and weirdly tired—and really, really, incomprehensibly angry at the whole situation.
Bitterness coated my words as I stared straight ahead at the white tile. “I’m fine here.”
A sharp jab to my bicep earned Mac a wet glare.
He ignored my warning. “Get off your ass, girl.”
I grumbled at him, but he hauled me up by my armpits. The serious expression on his face stopped the sarcastic comment on the tip of my tongue.
“I don’t think the administration wants me around the football team at the moment,” I said.
“They don’t get a say. You know why? You’re Riley fucking Jones. The fastest, baddest, scariest motherfucker out there. Why do you think they had to knock you down? Because your skills will burn their tidy little system to the ground. Come. To. The. Game. The team wants to see you.”
I blinked up at him, astonished. Parker had brought up me coming to the game, but I’d shut him down. I didn’t want a front-row seat to watch what I’d lost. The team hadn’t been a consideration at all, and the guilt from that realization hit me hard.
Mac tucked the sagging towel tighter around me, gave me a pointed look, then left the bathroom. The bedroom door closed after him, and I hoped he hurried back to the weight room. Coach’s ‘training is the backbone of the team’ lecture had gotten longer as the season went on.
The heavy weight of regret threatened to smother me, so I purposely didn’t let myself dwell on Mac’s pep talk. Who cared if I was fast and scary if I couldn’t play?
I managed to pull on a sport bra and underwear before the door opened again. I spun around expecting Mac to come give me another round of his tough love. Instead, Eva sauntered in—already in full cheer gear—and dropped her TU tote bag on the unmade bed.
“Oh good, you’ve already showered,” she chirped.
I threw my arms up. “Why is everyone just walking into my bedroom?”
Eva tilted her head at me with a tiny smile. “Does that mean you’ve officially decided to move in here?”