Page 16 of Ace
“No, it’s important. Club business.” He runs his fingers through his hair, “I never sleep in. I always wake after three or four hours of sleep.” He looks confused and uncomfortable. I watch as he passes me, heading for the door.
A panic fills me, and I begin to think this is an excuse to run out on me. Maybe he’s changed his mind. He pulls the door open and turns back. “Stop overthinking, Mae. Nothing’s changed. What I said last night, stands. I’m gonna find a way to keep you.”
I smile while I shower and dress, hardly believing my dreams are coming true. I head down to the kitchen to see if Mum’s saved any breakfast leftovers. She’s sitting at the kitchen table with Queenie, their heads together like a pair of old wives plotting. “Good morning. You’re late waking up today,” states Queenie suspiciously.
I feel a blush creep on my cheeks and turn towards the fridge to avoid them spotting it. “Yeah, it was a late night.”
“Ah,” says Mum, “so you went out?”
I pull out a cold sausage. “Yeah.”
“You meet anyone?” asks Queenie, and I panic. My brain goes into overdrive, and I almost choke my answer out while cramming the sausage into my mouth. “Sort of, why?”
“Just something Scar mentioned over breakfast. Says he caught a guy sneaking outta here late last night while the guys were playing poker. Almost shot the poor guy.”
I spin to face them, mid-chew. “He didn’t, though, right?” I feel bad enough that Ace kicked him outta here like that without him getting hurt because of me.
“No, but Scar was pissed you kicked him out like that and didn’t escort him out the clubhouse. What if he’d have been someone out to get The Rebellion? You could’ve put everyone in danger. I think he might speak to Pres about it, Mae, so be prepared for—” Queenie is cut off before she can finish.
Ace’s voice rings out through the building, his tone angry. “Mae!” he yells. “Mae, get the fuck out here!” I jump in fright.
My mum stands, looking panicked. “Don’t get smart with him, Mae. Just take the yelling and apologise. You know how moody he is lately,” she hisses. I nod, not knowing what the fuck to expect.
Ace shoves the door open, banging it against the wall, and I jump in fright. His eyes fall to me, and I notice Scar and Hulk behind him looking just as pissed. “My office now,” he growls.
Inside the office, all three men stare at me, and I feel the anger vibrating off the walls. “Did I do something wrong?” I almost whisper.
“You let a guy leave here last night and didn’t escort him out?” asks Ace. My eyes widen. Has he seriously pulled me in here to yell at me about something he did? I catch a pleading look in his eyes, a split second of panic when he realises I may not keep his secret.
I sigh, knowing I’m going to protect him. “I was drunk,” I offer feebly, “and I passed out.”
“So, not only did you bring a stranger back here, but you were so drunk that you didn’t even keep your wits about you? He could have been anyone, you stupid bitch,” shouts Hulk.
I frown, trying to hold my own temper. “I’m sorry, okay, no need for name calling.”
“Sorry isn’t going to keep us fucking safe if you mess up like that again,” snaps Scar.
“It won’t happen again. In all these years, that’s the first time I messed up,” I remind him.
“It’s not good enough,” snaps Hulk. “You put the whole club in danger.”
Ace paces the floor, running his fingers through his hair. “Tag’s waiting for the meeting to start. Could you guys go ahead and start? I’ll deal with Mae.”
“You sure, Pres?” asks Hulk, and Ace nods, patting his son on the back.
Both men glare at me as they pass, and I almost wilt at their rage, but as soon as the door closes, I’m hauled up into Ace’s arms and pushed hard against the wall. His hands pull at my clothing, lifting my top until my breast is in his mouth. His kisses are hurried and frenzied. He stands me on the ground again and tugs at my shorts, pushing them down my legs until I’ve stepped out of them. I watch as he fiddles around with a condom, sheathing his large erection.
“Hands against the wall,” he whispers. I turn, placing my palms on the wall as instructed. I feel the head of his cock pushing at my entrance, and he gently kicks my legs farther apart, making it easier for him. He places his hand over my mouth. “Hold on, baby,” he growls into my ear. “This is gonna be hard and fast.”
Ace moves quickly, his pace punishing. He moves his hands to my hips, slamming into me harder. I groan, pushing my mouth against my arm to muffle the sounds. “The door isn’t locked, Mae, so you need to be quicker,” he warns. Panic overtakes me, followed by something else, something more like excitement, and before long, I’m shivering against him, my orgasm rushing through me, coating my legs in wetness.
Ace isn’t far behind, ramming hard into me and then stilling while he empties into the condom. He waits for a few seconds, our breaths coming hard and fast, and then he pulls out of me and uses a tissue to dispose of the condom. He watches as I pull my clothes on. “Later, I’m gonna have you walk around my room naked,” he says firmly, and another thrill shoots through me. He fastens his jeans. “But for now, I really do have a meeting to go to. Your behaviour last night is disappointing, and the men are very angry. I might have to punish you later.” He smirks, and I scowl playfully.“Isn’t that what that was?” I ask, pointing to the wall where he just fucked me hard and fast.He slaps me on the arse and then heads for the door. “I mean it, Mae. You won’t get off so lightly next time,” he yells, slamming the door in a fake temper tantrum. I smile to myself. Fake . . . I can live with that.
Chapter Seven
I pause outside church to gather myself. It’s a place where my men gather for meetings to discuss business or urgent situations. Some of the most important decisions are made in this room.