Page 52 of Ace
I stand when Lucy approaches. It’s nice to finally see a smile on her face. “Thanks for that, Mae.”
“All sorted then?”
“We talked.” She gives me a sheepish grin, and I guess that means they did a little more than talk. “Ace is speaking with Tag. It looked important.”
“I may as well tell you, they found Tag’s dad.”
“Oh, well, that’s good news, isn’t it?”
“I guess.”
“You don’t look so sure.”
“I dunno. I should feel happy, but I don’t. Anton wants him dead and has given the rights to Ace. I want to be there, but Ace said no.”
Lucy chews on her lower lip. “Does it matter who’s there and who pulls the trigger as long as he’s dead?”
“Since when did you come over to the dark side?” Lucy isn’t one for violence. She still cringes throughout Tag’s fights.
She laughs. “Tag must be rubbing off on me.”
“Growing up in the MC makes you immune to sex and violence. My mum always tried to shield me from that stuff, but you hear the guys talking and it becomes normal. I’ve never had a murder on my hands up until recently. But I don’t feel bad for killing that guy, Luce. He deserved it, and so does Lorenzo, but I should get the rights for his murder. I know that’ll never be allowed, so the least Ace should allow me is to be there when it happens.”
“Why doesn’t he want you there?”
“He said he doesn’t think I can handle it while I’m recovering still. I think it’ll help. Besides, Mystique’s allowed to be there.”
Lucy raises her eyebrows. “Ouch, bet that hurt.” I shrug. Of course, it did, but saying it out loud sounds pathetic.
The rumble of motorcycle engines interrupts our conversation, then the gate slides open and Scar steps out from the gate hut. “That looks like a lot of the guys. Something going down?” I ask.
“I dunno. Tag didn’t say anything.”
We wait for them to park up and then head inside. There must be thirty more guys who turned up, and with the ones already inside, it’s busy. Tag heads over. “Get dolled up, girls. Party tonight.”
“Party for what?” I ask.
“Pres never said, just that all the guys were coming together.”
Piper rushes over, looking excited. “Great news. It’s been too long since we all got together like this.”
“What’s so big that it calls for everyone to be here?” I ask.
“Who cares? We need to get dressed up, girls. I’ll grab us some wine, you girls head up to my room.”
Those damn heart palpitations come back. The thought of being with everyone is nice, but it makes me nervous.Do they all know what happened to me? Will they be talking about it?I shake the anxiety away. It’s messing with my head. These guys know me, and they love me like their sister.
An hour later, I sip on my glass of wine while Piper holds up various outfits from her large collection of clothes. “The good thing about seeing a Mafia boss is that he throws money at me constantly.” She holds up a Vera Wang dress, and we all touch it like it’s gold.
“It’s so pretty.” Lucy sighs. It’s not like she isn’t used to designer things. Coming from a wealthy background herself, and being married to Tag, she’s not short of money or pretty things.
“How’s Hulk taking it?” I ask, and Piper shoves the dress back into her wardrobe.
“Not great. He’s just mad that I’m not waiting around for his calls no more.”
“I get the impression he really likes you,” says Lucy.
“Hulk only likes himself, everyone else he uses for fun to entertain himself. If I was still showing an interest in him, he’d be treating me like he used to, pure shit. He just doesn’t like to lose, especially to Anton. And I gave him the chance to tell me how he felt. I said if he didn’t tell me, then I’d move on.”