Page 59 of Albert
I lay a hand over Albert’s and shoot him a warning stare. I can’t blow this, and I know how they take everything out of context. “I’ve been estranged from my mum for a long time. She wasn’t the best parent. She has a history with addiction, and she’s only known Ollie for a couple months.”
“She gave you a place to stay?” Lucy asks, and I nod. “Rent free?” I nod again. “Because she was worried for Ollie.”
“That’s not true. I left here and planned to move away from the area. She convinced me to stay, and I offered money for the rent, but she refused to take it. I have money. I have plenty of it.”
“Yet when we checked your cupboards, there was nothing in them. No food at all for Ollie.”
“Because I got sick shortly after moving in. I hadn’t had a chance to go shopping. Mum was taking care of him, so I wasn’t worried.”
“She told us that was never discussed. Ollie turned up on her doorstep upset because he was hungry.”
I rack my brain. I don’t remember Ollie being at home at all, so I certainly can’t recall if he asked for food. “I was very sick. I don’t remember Ollie asking for money or food. He knows how to order from his phone. He does it all the time.”
“All the time?” she repeats.
I wince. “Not all the time. I meant he knows how to get food if he’s hungry.”
She scans her notes. “We spoke to the school. Ollie’s attendance isn’t good. He’s had problems with behaviour, and they say they’ve tried to work with you, but you haven’t been engaging with them, and you didn’t show for the last couple of appointments.”
I clench my jaw in frustration. “Like I said, I was sick. The school wanted to kick him out rather than work with me to help.”
“Since the court order was granted in favour of your mother, Ollie’s been in school every day. He’s not caused any problems, and the teachers are delighted with his attitude to work. They’ve seen a real improvement.”
I shake my head and sigh. “What’s the point in me trying to convince you?” I ask, and she stares at me blankly. “You’ve made up your mind. My mother is no good. Her boyfriend is a drug dealer. He wants to use Ollie to get to this club. And if you don’t start helping me, that’s exactly what will happen.”
She smiles awkwardly again. “We’ve spoken to Ollie. He’s quite settled and happy with them.”
“He’s just telling you that because he’s scared,” Albert snaps. “Dougie threatened him.” I glance at him, frowning. He never mentioned that. “He should be at home with his mum.”
She places her file back in her bag. “I agree, Mr. Taylor. We do everything we can to keep families together. There’s a court date in four weeks. Until then, we’d like you to take random drug tests three times a week. We’d also like you to provide a breath sample to check for alcohol.”
I nod. “Of course, anything. When can I see Ollie?”
She stands. “We’ll try and arrange something supervised.”
“Supervised?” I repeat.
“It’s part of the court order. Just standard procedure.”
“What happened to innocent until proven guilty?” I snap.
“Jill visited you more than once, Rosey. Each time, you were out cold.”
“And no one thought to check on her welfare?” snaps Albert.
“There were empty bottles and needles beside the bed. She wasn’t even dressed appropriately.”
I pull up my sleeves to show there are no track marks. “I don’t use drugs,” I tell her firmly. “I’m clean.”
“Take the drugs tests. If the courts agree you’re fit, they’ll return Ollie into your care. I only have the evidence in front of me when these decisions are made. Unfortunately, the evidence showed that Ollie needed intervention. It doesn’t mean it’s forever. You have the power to change it.”
“What about them? Do they have to take a test?” asks Albert.
She shakes her head. “Not unless you have proof they’re using drugs.”
I wait for her to go before turning to Albert. “Well, that’s that then,” I mutter helplessly.
“Four weeks,” Albert mutters, running a hand through his hair. “We can’t wait that long.”