Page 67 of Albert
“You can’t be here. Dougie won’t be happy about it.”
“Why? What exactly did I do?”
“What with all the business with Ollie, he just . . .”
“I mean what exactly did I do to you, Mum? What did I do to make you hate me so much?”
She looks away. “I don’t hate you, Rosey.”
“It feels like hate,” I say, shrugging out of my jacket but leaving my gloves in place. She eyes me warily.
“What the fuck?” yells Dougie, and she suddenly looks panicked.
“You need to go,” she hisses.
“Connie, are you into some kinky shit?” he shouts, stumbling into the room still naked. His eyes fall to me and turn to anger. “What the fuck is she doing here?”
I grin, and as he makes his way to me, I raise my foot and push it against his stomach, causing him to fall back into the chair. “Now, now, Dougie, you don’t look at all pleased to see me.”
“Did you do this?” he growls, holding up his bound hands.
I wince. “Sorry, did you think Mum was about to perform for you?”
“Rosey, stop all this,” Mum snaps. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Did I ever tell you what my job was?” I ask, wandering over to the mantel and running my finger along the dusty shelf. “Of course not. I mean, you probably never asked, did you? If it isn’t about you, you don’t want to know.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“What do you know about my life, Mum?” I ask, turning to face her.
Dougie tries to get up, but I shove him back. He glares angrily. “I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re gonna do, little girl, but when I get out of these, you’re one dead bitch.”
I smile, patting him on the head. “Relax, stepdaddy dearest, it’ll all be over soon.”
The front door bangs and Dice saunters in. “What are you doing here?” I snap.
He grins, leaning on the door frame. “Mav sent me, said you might need a hand.”
I scowl. “Well, I don’t.”
“It’s about time I crashed one of your jobs,” he says, and I groan.
I turn back to Mum. “Ignore him. I was about to tell you what I did for my job.”
“How does your mum not know what you do for a living?” Dice asks.
“What the fuck is going on?” Dougie yells in frustration.
“She’ll drag this out, so get used to it,” Dice explains. “She can never just end things—it’s got to be theatrical.”
“End things?” repeats Dougie, laughing. “What the fuck can she do to end me?”
Dice grins. “Fuck, they really don’t know you, do they?”
I pull out the syringes and lay them on the table. “People pay me to rid the world of negative influences.”