Page 8 of Albert
“Of course, send me your location.”
Albert is watching as I disconnect and check the map that Ollie sent through. I frown. “Do you know this?” I ask, showing him.
He looks concerned. “Why is he there?”
“Where is it?”
“I’ll take you now.”
I shake my head. “No, I’ll find it, don’t worry.”
“Rosey, it’s not safe. That area is in the middle of a gang war. I’ll take you.”
I hand Archer a box of matches and then follow Albert to his car.
We drive in silence for a few minutes before he finally repeats his question. “Why is he there?”
“I don’t know, Albert. I don’t know why he’s there or who he’s with. All I know is he must be in trouble if he called me over any of the MC.”
“He’s hiding it from Mav for a reason,” he mutters, glancing my way. I thought the same, but I keep quiet. I don’t know what Ollie’s involved in, but it can’t be anything good if he’s on an estate owned by gangs.
Ollie waves us down. He’s practically hiding behind a post, so Albert slams on the brakes, and I jump out the car, closely followed by Albert. “Are you okay?”
He nods, letting me run my hands over his face to check for marks. “Mum, I’m fine,” he says, taking my hands and holding them in his. “But we have to go.” I glance around, there’s no one about.
“In the car,” says Albert, and we get in. I twist around to face Ollie in the back. “Why are you here?” Albert asks.
“My friends wanted to go to a party here, but there was a massive fight, so everyone ran.”
“And you know this area isn’t safe, right?” I ask.
“I didn’t, not until Ben mentioned it.”
Once we get back to the clubhouse, Ollie gets out the car and heads inside. “Thanks,” I say to Albert.
“Do you believe him?” he asks.
I nod. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because he’s a kid. He was in a bad part of town, and he was hiding when we found him. Come on, Rosey, something’s not right.”
“I’ll deal with my son, don’t worry. And don’t mention this to anyone, especially not Maverick.”
“Because you know I’m right.”
“Because I don’t need any more lectures about my child. He called me, Albert, that’s a first. And I’m taking it as a win, so I’m not going to go too hard on him. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt.”
“It’s a mistake. I see kids like Ollie getting involved in gangs all the time, and they don’t get out once they’re in.”
“You see it because you’re the ringleader,” I snap, angry he’s trying to tell me how to parent.
“Ouch. I’ll send you the details for dinner tomorrow.”
I scoff, getting out the car. “Don’t bother. I’m going to be busy.”
Ollie is already in his room, tapping away on his mobile. I go in, taking a seat on the edge of his bed, and he places his phone on his chest. It’s never far from him.
“Please don’t lie to me, Ollie. Are you in a gang?”