Page 18 of Bonded and Betrayed
I cover my mouth at the last second, muffling the laughter that bubbles up. Everett is fun to annoy, but I’m sure he wouldn’t take me listening in on his conversation very well.
“Why would I do that when I know you like it so much?” Everett purrs. “I know your cheeks would be heated right now if you were in front of me, the delicious scent of your arousal cloying at my nostrils.”
“Everett,” she warns. “This isn’t the time.”
“I’ll make time for you, little wolf. Besides, you owe me for interrupting our traditions last night. I made an exception for you once, but next time I will have you on my lap, my fingers teasing that delectable pussy of yours until you scream my name for the rest of the pack to hear,” Everett growls. “Everyone will know how irrevocably mine you are by the time the night is through.”
I swallow thickly, chasing away the images he painted for her. I really shouldn’t think that’s hot, but all I can picture is my mate shaking as she tries and fails to hold back, coming apart for all of us to see.
I can’t get her out of my mind. Ever since I tasted those luscious lips, I’ve been craving more. That night in her office was not nearly enough, and despite her efforts to push me away, I won’t be going anywhere. I need to know the woman behind that gorgeous body. I need to love and cherish her as a mate is supposed to do. Because she’s mine, just as much as she’s Everett’s, Zeke’s, or Arsenio’s, and we’re all hers.
“I’m almost there,” she says, her voice thick with desire before she clears her throat.
Her words snap me from my thoughts. Did she just say what I think she did?
“Come for me then, little wolf. Show me how much you crave me and my wolf,” Everett says, a rumble echoing from his chest as I listen intently.
“Goddess, Everett, get your mind out of the gutter,” she snaps. “I’m almost to the compound. Gather the others, and we can discuss more when I get there.”
There’s a moment of silence before a beep echoes over the line.
“Fuck,” Everett groans, smashing his fist down on the end call button.
He looks up, and I suck in a sharp breath, narrowly jumping out of view before he catches me. I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my lips, my heart flipping at the thought of my mate being here soon. There’s no way they’re going to shut me out of this meeting. Where my mate goes, I go—end of story.
I take a moment to compose myself, thinking of anything that will help ease the arousal coursing through me at the thought of Skylar touching herself. I sure as hell am glad that Everett was the one who voiced that last part, though. That was embarrassing for him.
“Did you forget the walls are glass?” Everett’s booming voice echoes out into the hall, sending my pulse skyrocketing as he jolts me from my thoughts.
Wait. What?
“The glass might be frosted, but I can still see your shadow, you imbecile,” he snaps.
My gaze snaps to the wall in front of me—which … is, in fact, glass—and realization sets in. In my haste to not be seen peeking through the doorway, I hadn’t thought about the nearly opaque glass, and with the beaming lights above me … oops.
I casually stroll back to the door, easing it open all the way. Doing my best to seem innocent, I shove my hands in my pockets and lean against the door frame.
“Oh, hey, Everett. I didn’t see you there.” I smile, doing my best to keep the guilt off my face. “I was just—”
“Bullshit, Zayn,” Everett grumbles. He shakes his head, his jaw grinding as he takes out his phone. “You can go now.”
His thumbs mash the screen, the veins popping in his neck as he clearly attempts to hold back his ire.
“Actually.” I bolt up straight, jumping across the threshold like I was about to be ejected. “I had something I wanted to discuss with you.”
“Is it your plans for when you’ll be leaving?” His lips curl into a sneer as he glances up from his phone.
“Of course not.” I chuckle. “You know I’m staying here indefinitely.”
“You know, most people cower at my feet. They don’t invite themselves to stay in my home for as long as they please.” Everett slams his phone down on his desk.
“I’m not most people. Come on, we’re practically brothers since we share the same mate, man.” I’m taking far too much enjoyment in the way the vein on his forehead throbs. “Unless you’d like me to move into her place? I’m sure she’d be too busy to—”
“Don’t even start with me, Zayn. I’m not in the mood for your bullshit,” he grinds out. “What do you want?”
“I …” I chew on my bottom lip, trying to think of something. I honestly didn’t think he’d let me actually try to explain.