Page 24 of Bonded and Betrayed
“I can’t promise I’ll find anything. I still don’t know if it was even recording at that time or if the curtain was open, but if there’s something to find, I’ll get it for you.”
“Anything would be great at this point,” I say, rolling my shoulders back. We went down to get some water and lunch while we waited for Jasper to get here, but even that didn’t really help with the anxiety rushing through me.
“So this is the place.” Jasper grimaces as he stares out at the alley.
“Yeah.” My shoulders slump as I turn with him, looking down at the red brick of the alleyway. I’ve avoided truly looking down there before now, but with this lead, it seems as good of a time as any.
Images of my father flash through my mind, the red mask haunting me even now. I suck in a deep breath and push those thoughts aside, letting go of the guilt that had stuck to my skin like sludge.
“Goodbye,” I whisper, glancing from the place where he took his final breath to the sky above. I can only hope he’s found my mother, their souls tethered to one another through their mate bond even in the afterlife. I hope he’s finally found the peace that eluded him since the moment she was taken from this world.
I let go. My grief will always be a muted ache in my heart, but their memories will live on through me and the pack.
“I’m sorry, Skylar,” Jasper whispers. The sounds of the bustling city fade out around me. Jasper reaches a hand out, his fingers barely brushing my shoulder before growls rumble behind us.
My gaze snaps in their direction to two very pissed off mates, their gazes narrowed on the lion shifter as he cautiously pulls his hand away.
“Seriously?” I ask with a snort of derision.
“I see why the situation was more complicated than you wanted to explain over the phone.” Jasper chuckles, thankfully not taking offense to their possessive threat. “It seems you’ve found your mates, and they’re twins.” Jasper’s eyes twinkle with amusement as he glances between Zeke and Zayn.
That word seems to snap each of them out of their mate bond-induced haze, and they spring away from each other as though they might be burned.
“Two of my mates,” I admit, drawing Jasper’s attention back to me. His eyes widen in surprise for a moment before they crinkle, and laughter peels from his lips.
“Why am I not surprised?” Jasper chuckles. “You have to tell me everything.”
“We should get that signal,” Zeke says, interrupting our friendly banter. “It’s still early enough that it looks like no one is home.”
“I’ll go with you, Jasper,” I announce, leading the way back to the emergency ladder.
“We’ll all go,” Zeke says, following after me.
“Lucky me,” Jasper quips as two other sets of footsteps join us.
I reach for the edge of the metal stairs, my fingertips grazing the flaking paint of the hot metal when a click echoes through the air. The sound is faint through the din of the city, but it’s distinct enough to catch my attention.
“Get down,” Zeke shouts, his hand banding around my biceps as my gaze flashes towards the sound. I only catch a glimpse of the black-clad figure with a ski mask concealing their face, before Zeke yanks me down.
I brace myself, my elbow scraping against the rough roof, barely catching myself before my face hurtles into it. Zeke’s body covers mine in an instant, protectively shielding me. Time seems to move slowly, yet I know that only a few seconds have passed between us ducking and a shot ringing out. The bullet whizzes above us, narrowly missing Jasper as he pulls Zayn down with him.
As I reach for my Glock, Zeke does the same as he slides off me. I glance at him, silently signaling we’re on the same page as we take aim. We peer up simultaneously to gauge if another shot is about to come our way, but when I take in the neighboring rooftop where the shooter was just moments before … it’s empty. Not even a trace of a retreating form is visible as we sweep the rooftop, our guns aimed and ready, but they’re gone.
Chapter Eight
Iturntheairconditioning the highest it can go. My jacket is strewn amongst our things in the back of the car as we leave the bustling city in our wake. My silk shirt sticks to my body, the echo of the blistering heat still stinging my skin. Pain throbs in my elbow, but I ignore it as the adrenaline wanes, grateful it wasn’t a bullet. Leaning back against the seat, I stare out the window onto the busy freeway during rush hour traffic.
“That was an eventful day,” Zayn chirps from the backseat. I glimpse him in the rearview mirror sitting on the edge of his seat, feet tapping against the car floor.
I let loose a long breath, attempting to keep my anger at bay. We cleared the area just after the attacker shot at us, but there was no sign of them anywhere. Despite the coast being clear, I can’t help the nervous energy that still radiates through me. That was close. Way too fucking close.
The image of Jasper pulling Zayn down still flits through my mind. He almost got killed—hell, he almost got Jasper killed as the bullet nearly grazed him while he was pulling Zayn down to the ground.
“Eventful is an understatement,” Zeke grinds out. He rubs soothing circles on my thigh, helping to drain some of the tension from my limbs.
Zeke has been on edge since the shooting, especially when Zayn seems unfazed by the whole ordeal.