Page 39 of Bonded and Betrayed
I’m ready for something.I idly think as I shift my already hardening cock, wishing I could act on the daydreams unfolding in my mind.
“Of course,” I answer instead, a sly grin slitting across my face as my eyes travel down her body, as though I can see straight through the clothes now covering her delectable form.
She shivers, her eyes sparking with heat like she can feel my gaze roving over her skin, eliciting the same pleasure I wish I could bring her with my hands right now.
We’re like fire and gasoline, and I wish we could just watch the whole world burn around us while I bring her the ecstasy her body so clearly desires.
But we can’t. Damn responsibilities.
As if we both have the same thought, she swallows, some of the fog of lust clearing from her golden eyes. Skylar nods to the van beside her before slipping into the passenger side and closing the door behind her.
I do the same, grimacing, and hoping she doesn’t spot the bulge in my pants as I shift on the seat and start the van.
“Nine-seven-six-three,” Skylar murmurs, completely out of the blue as I put the van in reverse.
“What?” I ask, the seemingly random sequence of numbers somehow sounding familiar. She has her phone out, her lips moving, clearly repeating the four numbers again and again.
I frown as I focus back on the road, watching Silas and Seline follow behind us while we return to the narrow road.
“I had to get that passcode down before I forgot it,” Skylar answers a few seconds later as she pockets her phone.
Passcode ... fuck.
I completely forgot about the code the bear shifter input into the security system. Good thing Skylar was paying attention. I thought I had it memorized, but the code became a distant memory when I focused on getting us out of there. My thoughts were an empty canvas, waiting for any sign of attack to paint our next move.
“Good.” I clear my throat, not meeting her eyes. I need to keep my mind on the task at hand. Tonight could have been a complete waste of time if we’d both forgotten.
“Based on how long it took us to get to the entrance to their woods, the bunker can’t be more than a ten-minute drive from their compound,” Skylar says, all business as she opens up her map app, setting a pin where the bunker was.
I chew on my bottom lip as I watch her out of the corner of my eye. Her intelligence only adds to her appeal, making it that much more difficult for me to keep my mind in a professional zone.
“I don’t think we’ll have enough time to get the bunker emptied in that time and get out.” She frowns. “But it is close enough that if we cause enough chaos back at their compound, the guards will definitely rush to help.”
“Oh, don’t you worry, firecracker. I already have a plan for that.” I grin, my excitement ratcheting at the ideas that spark back to life at her mention of the bunker. I’d practically been salivating at the thought of its destruction. “That’s my area of expertise.”
“What is?” she asks hesitantly, her brow raised in suspicion.
“Destruction.” My grin widens as I glance at her, letting her see just how much glee lights up my eyes at the thought of demolishing their stolen goods, before I focus back on the road.
“Of course.” She chuckles. “I should have guessed it wouldn’t be something normal. Of course, my mates are experts at murder and destruction, not sports and knitting.”
“Knitting?” I sputter out, choking on the peel of laughter I try to hold back when she turns an incredulous glare my way.
“I don’t know—it was the first thing that popped into my head,” she groans, scrubbing a hand over her face.
“Trust me, the day you catch me knitting is the day you’ll truly know I’ve lost my mind.” I can’t help the chuckle that slips out, even as she lightly shoves my shoulder because of it.
“Jerkface,” she grumbles under her breath.
“Jerkface? I know Zeke told me you’d be giving me a nickname of some sort, but I expected it to be better than that.”
Skylar bares her teeth at me, a low growl slipping out between them. Her eyes flash with fury, those embers bursting into flames now. I can’t help the smile that stretches across my face, loving the thrill of watching my mate lose her cool. I want to watch the fury she’s able to unleash, watch as hell rains down on her enemies, my firecracker finally exploding and losing those inhibitions that keep her weighed down.
I’m honestly not sure if I trust myself around her anymore. We might just need a chaperone because if it were up to me, I’d take off with her now, letting our responsibilities float away as we drive into the sunset, leaving a trail of havoc in our wake.
“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” she growls, some of her annoyance slipping away as she eyes me suspiciously.