Page 44 of Bonded and Betrayed
“We’ll take another look,” Seline says, glancing at the nearly imperceptible gesture. I hold my breath as we pass through to the residences, nodding at the two beta guards as they open the door for us, but she doesn’t call any attention to it. Though she wouldn’t have to, not when I already told her what it was back in my father’s—my—office at Opal Moon.
I shake away the memory of the last few hours, and frown. Finding the Draven pack amulet was a stroke of luck and will definitely help against any magic attacks, but it doesn’t do me much good now, not when the paperwork for the farm is still missing. They could be walking into anything tonight, while we’re left guessing what exactly Godric Draven’s end game was.
“It might be too late then,” I sigh, stabbing a hand through my hair to push back the loose bits. I grit my teeth and let my arm fall back to my side, reminding myself it won’t do me any good to get upset. We have to work with the hand we’ve been dealt, but it would be nice to know what the hell my dad had planned.
“Then we’ll handle that like we have everything else,” Seline says as we stop in front of her door, and I turn to face her.
Ugh, why does she have to be right about everything?
“You’re right,” I sigh. “We have a chance to turn this whole mess around tonight. I can’t get in my head now.”
“Exactly.” She smiles, the expression lighting up her brown eyes. “We’re going to the farm tonight, so I’m sure we’ll find some answers then.”
“I’m sorry this is happening to your dad,” I admit, causing Seline’s brows to knit together. “I didn’t have the best relationship with my father, but he and your dad were friends. I can’t imagine what he must be going through knowing my father kept so much from him.”
“Yeah, he hasn’t said much about it, but I can tell it hasn’t been easy.” Seline shrugs. “Don’t you dare start doing the same thing, Sky. I’m not as nice as my dad; I’ll get the witches to summon your ghost just so I can chew your ass out.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” I chuckle, my chest warming with the moment of levity.
“Good.” She nods as though it’s been decided. “I should go get ready now. We’ll have to leave soon to scope out the farm.”
“Be safe,” I breathe, wishing I could be there with them. Silas and Seline are like my family, and I can’t lose anyone else.
Zeke will be there with them, I remind myself, but that only makes my stomach twist even more. The mate bond hums in my chest, reminding me I have a link to him, I’ll know that he’s safe the entire time, but that’s a lot different than being there to back him up.
“We will be,” she assures, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug.
The gesture is so abrupt I let loose an “oomph” of surprise as she clutches me close. Returning the gesture, I give her a light squeeze and let the anxious energy thrumming through me slip away. They’re my betas for a reason, and Zeke is an assassin, for fucksake. I have to trust that they can take care of themselves because one wrong move, one moment of distraction, might mean disaster for Arsenio and me tonight.
“You need to focus on keeping yourself safe, too,” Seline says, her tone chastising as she pulls away. “I wasn’t bluffing about conjuring your ghost.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I chuckle. “See you later.”
With a final wave, Seline opens her door and walks into her room, leaving me alone in the hallway.
I glance around at the other doors lining each side of the quiet corridor. Mine is right beside Seline’s, with Everett’s on the other side and Zeke, Arsenio, and Zayn’s rooms across the hall. The light gleams off the black varnish like a beacon, enticing me forward. I take a step towards them, but stop myself in my tracks, realizing none of the guys are probably in their rooms. When I left, Arsenio and Zeke were finishing up with the arrangements for tonight, and Silas went back to the manor for a few hours to keep an eye on Monte and pass along the lie that we’d found nothing last night during our fake mission at the compound.
I sigh and turn back to my room, taking a few steps towards my door before reaching for the doorknob.
“Sky.” A deep masculine voice echoes off the walls. My heart jolts at the sound, my hand already brushing the cool metal of the blade strapped to my thigh until the tone finally registers.
“Zayn,” I breathe, turning to face him.
I might’ve been fooled by his resemblance to his twin before, but being around both of them has allowed me to spot the subtle differences between them.
Zayn smiles sheepishly, his happiness unfettered by this life of crime, violence, and bloodshed. He eyes my hand warily before taking a cautious step forward, reminding me my fingers are still skimming the carved hilt of my dagger.
“Don’t sneak up like that on me—or on anyone here, for that matter,” I say, my chest tightening as I think about what could have happened.
“Sorry.” He grins. Despite my best efforts to remain serious, I can’t help but melt a fraction as I gaze back into his light grey eyes. “I just heard you out in the hall, and I wanted to see you before tonight.”
“And you’re staying here, right?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest as I lift a brow in challenge. “You’ve only had one lesson with Zeke so far.”
“I know, I know.” He lifts his hands in surrender. “I took what you said to heart, and I know I’m not ready to go out there with you all, not based on how training went yesterday.”
Zayn grimaces, and I choke back a laugh as I notice a few bruises along his arms, and that’s only the skin that isn’t covered by his black short-sleeved polo shirt.
“I take it Zeke didn’t go easy on you?”