Page 57 of Bonded and Betrayed
My lips part, and I’m about to argue when Zeke strides back into the room with two washcloths.
“He’s right,” Zeke says as he kneels on the bed and passes a washcloth to Arsenio. I reach out for the other one, but he tugs it away as Arsenio rolls me onto my back. “Everett was about to storm over here last night before I talked him down, and I found Zayn lurking outside, eavesdropping on our conversation afterwards.”
“Let us take care of you,” Arsenio purrs. He kisses along my jaw as Zeke gently parts my legs, wiping the warm washcloth against my aching core and cleaning away all signs of Arsenio’s release.
My chest warms at the care they’re both showing me, and I relax into the bed, allowing my eyes to shutter. I can definitely get used to this.
Chapter Twenty
“Youstillshouldhavecome back last night,” Everett growls, his lips curling into a scowl as he glares at Arsenio. Zayn stands by the moody bastard’s desk as though he’s his back up, his arms crossed over his chest, nodding in agreement.
For fucksake.
My lips part as I step forward, about to put Everett and Zayn in their place when Arsenio beats me to it.
“Cut the bullshit, you grumpy bastard.” He steps up to the other side of the desk, slamming his hands down on the wood. “Why don’t you tell us the real reason you’re so pissed.”
“This has nothing to do with—” Everett growls, his knuckles pulling taut as he clenches his fists on the table, his jaw working as he barely leashes his fury.
“Yes, it does,” Arsenio snaps, his brows knitting together in frustration as he stares back at his best friend, his brother by pack and bond. “We all know it does. Well, maybe except for our mate because you’re both just as stubborn as the other.”
Ha. What a comparison—I cross my arms over my chest—I’m nothing like that moody bastard. I barely hide the look of chagrin as Everett does the same, nearly mirroring my exact pose.
His exhale is far more pompous than mine though.
I don’t miss the muffled chuckle that Zeke fails to stifle as he slaps a hand over his mouth. My glare cuts to him, eyes narrowing as he chokes on another laugh.
These men. My glare should at least evoke a look of contrition, not more laughter.
“You’re jealous,” Arsenio says. The words are so abrupt and unexpected that I snap my gaze back to him, my annoyance fading almost immediately.
“Arsenio,” Everett growls in warning, his teeth grinding.
“You’re jealous that we’re getting closer to Skylar, but you still refuse to allow yourself to be vulnerable,” Arsenio continues, undeterred by the silent threat as Everett’s eyes frost over with icy flames. “If you would just put aside—”
“That’s enough,” Everett bellows, slamming his fists against the table.
The smack seems to echo through the room, bringing a blanket of silence cascading over us in its wake. Even Zayn jumps back, apparently caught off guard by his supposed ally.
“Well, I’m jealous,” Zayn mutters, his lips quirking to the side as he steps away from Everett, apparently not wanting to be on his side any longer.
I raise my brows in disbelief, and he gives me a sheepish grin.I knew that wouldn’t last for long.
“We have more important things to discuss, like what our next step is going to be,” Everett continues after a few moments, ignoring Zayn. He takes a step back, his chest puffing out as he pulls in a deep breath. Pain slices through my chest at the sudden change in subject, and I plant my hands on my hips and school my features, refusing to let it show.
He’s right though. We have the upper hand for once, and we can’t give them time to retaliate.
“What are you thinking?” Zeke asks as he steps forward, his hand clasping Arsenio’s shoulder to pull him back. He almost seems like he’s about to pull free from Zeke’s grasp, but he must think better of it as he strides over to my side and wraps an arm around my shoulder instead.
Tension radiates through my body, but I allow him to pull me closer. I don’t want him to try that alpha shit with me. I can stick up for myself. If there’s an issue, Everett and I will work it out, but I acknowledge they’re also tied to one another through bonds and connections I haven’t even begun to understand.
“I was planning a distraction, something like the engagement party. Let them think we’re unprepared, but we really have our packs waiting for their strike. However, with the discovery of the farm, the better idea might just be to attack them while they’re still scrambling and low on weapons and ammo,” Everett says, scanning over Zeke and Arsenio before landing on me. A flicker of regret passes over his icy blue eyes, but it’s gone in an instant, fading out of sight like a distant memory. Memories of our conversation the other day flit through my mind, and I bury the old wounds his dismissal opened up.
I’m not going anywhere, and neither is he. That’s all that matters for now. We both have hundreds of lives at stake right now, and I won’t let either of us being distracted become the reason we lose anyone else.
“I’ll have Silas head back out there in a couple of days to make sure they haven’t found the entry,” I agree. “Once we have confirmation that it’s clear, we can make plans, but we’ll have to keep them close to our chest. No one else learns about the farm.”