Page 72 of Bonded and Betrayed
“You asked about Isabella yesterday, but I didn’t think anything of it until this morning,” Silas continues, my stomach sinking as I picture the worst. “I tried to call her a few times this morning, but she didn’t answer.”
“And that’s not like her, is it?” I ask, already knowing the answer. Silas wouldn’t be calling me if he thought nothing was off.
“No, and I called the guards; she hasn’t checked in this morning.”
“What about—”
“Monte?” Silas finishes for me. “He hasn’t checked in either.”
“Fuck,” I breathe, my hands shaking. The blood drains from my face as I look between my mates, barely keeping the spiral of guilt at bay. I take a deep breath, taking one last second before I turn off the switch and shove my emotions to the side. My back goes ramrod straight, a cool calmness sweeping over me.
“Where was she last seen?” I ask, already striding over to the black armored vans.
“The last people who saw her were the guards as she left last night,” Silas explains. “I already had them pull the footage, and Seline is working with the town council to gain access to any traffic cams.”
After she left to follow Monte. Rage boils in my veins, igniting a fire deep within my soul. I let it strengthen me, refusing to let the knowledge that Monte is my enemy consume me. We know for certain now, but at what cost?
“What about her phone?” I ask, pausing with my hand on the driver’s side door as Zeke and Zayn rush over.
“Seline is trying to get access to it now,” Silas says before his voice cuts off. “Oh, that’s her now on the other line—I’ll add her to the call.”
“Hey, Dad,” Seline says as computer keys tap furiously in the background.
“I have the Alpha on the line as well.”
“Hey, Sky,” Seline says, a note of sorrow in her tone. That can’t be good.
I put the phone on speaker, letting Zayn and Zeke hear the conversation too.
“Do we have a location for Isabella’s phone?” I ask, looking between the two guys, hoping they can glean just how serious this is by that question alone.
Zayn’s brows stay knitted together, clearly still not understanding but smart enough not to ask right now, but Zeke’s expression sobers. He pulls his phone from the pocket of his jeans, his thumbs tapping away at a text to either Everett, Arsenio, or both.
“Yeah, and it’s not good,” Seline says just as my phone dings with a notification.
I tap on it as soon as I see the sender is Seline, and a map pops up with a red marker seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I would’ve been ignorant of where this is a month ago, but now—it’s too big of a coincidence to not involve Aldric.
“You’ll have to tell me,” Silas says. “I don’t want to pull over, not now.”
“You won’t have far to go,” I say, my teeth gritting as I zoom in on the road. “It looks like it’s in a parking lot across from the abandoned paper factory.”
Zeke’s thumbs tap on his screen again, clearly sending another text to the other guys.
Tires squeal in the background as Silas must change direction, his engine revving as he presses down on the gas.
“Let’s send a unit of betas to meet Silas,” I say to Seline.
“On it,” she says.
“We’ll meet you over there too,” I say and pull open the door. I’m about to hop in when my phone buzzes in my palm, lighting up as another call comes through.
“Shit,” I exclaim, glancing back at Zeke and Zayn. “It’s Jasper.”
Silence stretches between us as I look back at the screen.
“Answer it,” Zeke says, “Arsenio and Everett are already on their way to meet Silas now.”