Page 61 of Hawk
I didn’t know if Sadie was here or not. I hadn’t seen her yet.
“Would you stop screaming at me? I can’t handle all this fucking stress.”
Seriously? What a pussy!
“You’re ridiculous! I’m surprised you have a cock at all. Are you sure you don’t use a strap-on to fuck women?”
He roared with fury, pulling back his arm. I knew it would hurt when he slapped me, but I didn’t expect to be thrown backward, my head smacking into that stupid metal pole.
The chains rattled above my head as I slumped to the dirt.
“Fuck!” He shouted, pulling at his hair. “I didn’t agree to this!”
“Too late now,” I announced in a sing-song voice. “You reap what you sow.”
“Shut up!”
Where was his confidence now? His control? I had never met a man as weak and pathetic.
Something rumbled the ground beneath our feet. At first, I thought it was an earthquake, but then I realized it was a dozen motorcycles, all heading in our direction.
At the front, leading the way, I spotted Hawk.
Finally. He found me.
I couldn’t contain my smile. The side of my face burned from the slap, and the back of my head throbbed, but I wouldn’t be lying in the dirt long. Hawk would save me.
I hoped he kicked Elliot’s ass.
The mayor still had a few surprises left inside him, though, as he whipped out a gun, pointing it at my head. He stood there, watching Hawk slow down, braking before jumping off his bike. He didn’t even put down the kickstand. Damn. My man was worried about me.
“Hey, handsome!” I yelled, my voice slightly slurred.
I guess the drugs were still in my system.
“Callie!” He shouted. “What the fuck did you do to her?” Hawk charged us, his body vibrating with fury.
I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I caught his entire frame flicker, wobbling like water in clear glass. Blinking, I didn’t understand what was happening. Did the drugs do something to my brain?
What happened next defied logic. It didn’t make sense.
Black feathered wings sprouted from Hawk’s back as he lifted a foot off the ground, flying toward our direction.
As he reached us, I noticed the feathers extended down his arms, covering his skin from shoulder to wrist. Beautiful, shiny onyx feathers. Such a pretty bird. Uh, man. His nails had grown into claws as he lowered to the ground, lifting his hands.
“Don’t fucking fire that gun.”
I stared at the biker who owned my heart.
A fucking lifesize crow. My man had changed into Hawk, like the fictional character from DC Comics, only he was way sexier. Low-slung jeans on his hips. Bare chest rippling with muscle. And a killer smile.
I think I just popped a lady boner.
Hawk resembled a dark angel, hell-bent on retribution as he stalked toward us.
Elliot pulled back the hammer on his weapon and cocked the gun, smiling at Hawk. He didn’t seem surprised by his transformation. Was I just imagining it?
What kind of drugs did he dump in my drink?