Page 76 of Tempting
“You’ve been working more.” I snap my piece of bacon in half and take a bite. It’s salty, chewy, rich. Perfect.
“I like money.” Emma stirs another splash of cream into her coffee. “I’m not going to suffer another ‘you should be in school full-time lecture,’ so if that’s where you’re going you can save your breath.” She turns to watch Kay step into the main room. “Where are you going dressed like that?”
Kay’s laugh is nervous. She twirls a long, blond strand around her finger. “With my hair a mess and no makeup?”
“That’s a mess?” Emma shakes her head, sending crimson hair in every direction. “Life is unfair.”
“True.” Kay’s eyes meet mine. Her smile gets wider. She’s stupid happy.
Last night meant a lot to her.
I’m still turning it over. I’m going to be turning it over for a long fucking time.
It terrifies me, the thought of Kay doing anything to hurt herself. It hits me like a punch to the gut.
But, mostly, I’m humbled by her sharing that with me.
Fuck, I want to find every place she hurts and destroy it.
I don’t think she’s broken. But if she is, I want to be the glue that holds her together. I want that as much as I want the shop to succeed. As much as I want Em to thrive. As much as I want anything.
“There’s more eggs and bacon in the pan.” I nod to the kitchen. “And coffee.”
“I’ll make a tea.” She nearly floats into the kitchen.
Is that all from spilling her secret?
Fuck, I can’t imagine the weight of that.
Taking all that on her own—she’s so fucking strong, so fucking brave.
Emma turns back to me. “Really? No lecture?”
“You want to stay part-time.” I bring my mug to my lips. Damn. This coffee is good. Nutty. Rich. With that hint of toffee. It’s the best fucking coffee I’ve ever had. Or maybe that’s the smile on Kay’s face. The honor and responsibility of her placing all her trust in me.
“Nothing about how I should work a little harder and get done in four years instead of languish for eight?” Emma takes a long sip. “Really?”
“You’ve worked retail for two years. You know what it’s like. You know you’ll be doing that forever if you don’t go to college.” The coffee warms me everywhere. No, that’s Kay. “If you want to own a boutique one day, you’ll need those business classes. Trust me.”
“I do. It’s just…” She scoops her eggs onto her fork. “Weird that you’re being reasonable.”
“I’m always reasonable.” I eat the other half of my bacon slice.
Emma laughs so hard she slaps the table. “No.” She turns to Kaylee, now pouring hot water into her mug. “Back me up here.”
Kay laughs. “Always isn’t the right word.”
“Yeah. It’s weird. It’s like… like you’re happy.” Emma stares at me like she’s picking me apart.
“I am.” I really fucking am.
Emma tilts her head to one side. “Why? You’re never happy.”
“I own a quarter of the shop. We’re putting a new sign up next Friday. With a logo I designed. We’re getting rid of all the old shit that doesn’t suit us. I finally talked Ryan into interviewing another artist or two.” My eyes meet Kay’s as she takes her seat. And that. Her. “Why wouldn’t I be happy?”
“Because you’re Brendon.” Emma brings another scoop of eggs to her lips. Chews. Swallows. “It’s good. I’m happy for you. Just weird.”
“He’s always weird.” Kaylee smiles at me. “That isn’t new.”
“True.” Emma turns to Kay. “And you’re happy too. Satisfied. Like you… like that hairstyle is really working for you.”
“It is.” Kaylee dunks her tea bag. “It’s great.”
“When did you… try it out yesterday? Weren’t you working all night?” Emma asks.
Kay giggles. “After.”
“After. Hmm.” Emma shoots me a stop eavesdropping look.
I should let them talk. I finish my last bite. Even these eggs taste better than usual. The room is brighter, the air is sweeter, the coffee’s bolder.
Everything is better.
I bring my plate to the sink. Finish my last cup of coffee. Watch Emma and Kaylee giggle over their incredibly obvious metaphor.
“I have an appointment.” I look to Emma. “You’re working this afternoon?”
“Yeah, till closing. I’ll get dinner at work.” Emma turns to Kay. “Are you closing again?”
Kaylee nods. “It’s the best shift in the summers.”
“But it means I don’t see you weekends,” Emma says.
“Except early.” Kaylee motions to the table.
“Yeah, except early.” Emma leans in to whisper to Kay.
The two of them giggle.
“Keep an eye on her, all right, Kay?” I grab my keys and take a step toward the door.
“Sure.” Kay smiles back at me.
“Hey!” Emma feigns offense. “Why don’t you ever tell me to watch Kay?”
“Keep an eye on Kay. All right?” I ask.
Emma laughs. “Perfect.”
I slide into my shoes and I slip out the door.
And I nearly float to the fucking shop.