Page 14 of Train Me Daddy
‘I’m a stupid, silly idiot!’ Lilly exclaimed, kicking and stomping her feet on the ground out of sheer frustration. ‘I did the right thing leaving. A smart Daddy like Tyler would never want me, not really. It was only a matter of time before he ran out of patience with me anyway!’
Lilly found the tears impossible to stop. As the flowed down her cheeks, not even the comfort of Jester was doing any noticeable good for her spirits.
The more she thought of Tyler, the more upset she got. Lilly couldn’t believe how bad she had screwed things up. Tyler would never take her back now, not after running away like that at the first sign of trouble.
Lilly had used her fun loving and mischievous side as a defense mechanism since high school. But Lilly had enjoyed the structure and focus that being Tyler’s Little had given her.
Working on her novel had made Lilly feel happier and more secure in herself that she had ever experienced before. She had still been having fun, except now it was with a concrete end goal – one that she had become increasingly confident of achieving too.
But now it felt like all the work had been for nothing.
And that feelingsucked.
However just as Lilly thought things couldn’t get any worse, she sensed someone approaching in the distance. Lilly couldn’t bear to look up and see who it was.
What if it was the horrible man who accused her of stealing?
Or a police officer?
Lilly couldn’t handle any more lectures or nasty accusations being flung in her direction. She had experienced enough upset and drama to last her a lifetime and wanted nothing more than to just be left alone from here on in.
But it was neither a grumpy old man nor a police officer that was approaching. Lilly looked up and couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing. Or more accurately,whoshe was seeing.
It was Tyler.
And judging by the look on his face, Tyler looked like he had a lot to say to Lilly. But whether it was good or bad, Lilly couldn’t tell.
‘Girl, up on your feet,’ Tyler said. ‘And that’s an order from your Daddy.’
Lilly wasted no time. She was up like a flash. The one thing she didn’t know was what Tyler was going to do next…
Tyler had jumped several red lights on the way to Lilly. Tyler figured he would take that up with the sheriff’s department later, what was most important to him was finding Lilly as quickly as he possibly could.
In that moment, nothing else mattered.
It wasn’t evenclose. Tyler knew he had to find his Little above all else. He was a man on a mission, and nothing was going to stop him.
So many possibilities were running through Tyler’s head. It seemed to him that Lilly must have suffered some kind of shock or nasty surprise. Nothing else made any sense to him. That she would go from being so happy to suddenly breaking off the relationship and claiming to be leaving town? There justhadto be a reason behind it.
Tyler arrived at the location given to him by Jack and immediately recognized it was the street where he had first met Lilly.
Huh. This is… strange.
Tyler parked his truck and jumped out. He cast his gaze around but couldn’t immediately see Lilly. Tyler was worried that Lilly might have carried on her journey. In fact, she could in theory by miles away by now, especially if she had gone to the bus depot.
But first things first, Tyler had to scout the area. If this is where Jack saw her, there was still every chance that she was in the vicinity.
Tyler walked down the road and scanned for any trace of Lilly. It was entirely possible that she had ditched her cycle, or maybe even dropped something. Anything Tyler could cling on to as some kind of a clue could prove invaluable.
But as Tyler continued to walk down the perfectly suburban street, he suddenly realized that he wouldn’t need to look too much further.
It was Lilly.
Tyler’s heart began to thump and thud inside his powerful chest. The sight of Lilly, curled up on the floor with a look of anguish on her face was more than enough to set his Daddy instincts off.