Page 87 of Losing It
“Angel, you’re thinking something dirty.” He rubs the space between his thumb and forefinger with my thumb.
“Says who?”
“Based on what?”
“Your blush.”
God, my cheeks are burning. And the flirty tone of his voice is only making it worse.
“Fuck, I tell you how much I love it when you blush?”
I nod.
“It’s fucking sexy.”
The guy sitting in the window seat clears his throat.
Poor guy has had to contend with our conversation for nearly four hours.
I mean, mostly, we sat and listened to music—we actually shared Wes’s headphones, like in high school—but there was enough flirting to make this experience… awkward.
Which is good practice for today.
This is going to be awkward as hell.
And painful.
And all around awful.
But, right now, with Wes here, I feel like I can do it.
God, I really hope I can do it.
Oh my God.
I can’t do this.
I can’t do this.
I really, really can’t do this.
The doorbell echoes through the apartment.
It’s so loud.
It’s the loudest doorbell in the history of the world.
It’s screaming Quinn is here to disappoint you.
“Breathe, angel.” Wes squeezes my hand. “It’s gonna be okay.”
It’s going to be okay.
Owen will accept this. In theory.
And if he doesn’t…
I’ll live with that. Whatever happens, I’ll live with it.
Which requires breathing.
I squeeze Wes’s hand.
The pressure of his palm is soothing.
So is the smell of his shampoo.
And his proximity.
It makes my body buzz.
Which is a bit too much at the moment. But it’s nice all the same.
Hey Owen! Romeo is here. You know Wes. Sorta. He, uh, he really likes you. And he’s a great guy. And he had the weekend free, so he thought he’d come help me… talk to you.
“Is that you, Q?” Owen calls. “It’s open.”
It’s open.
There’s no way to stall.
No, it is awesome.
I have to tell my brother. I want to tell my brother. I want to explain, to get his support, to hear his news.
This is good.
It’s going to be good.
My fingers curl around my suitcase.
Wes looks to me and raises a brow. “You ready?”
No, but I need to do it now. Before I lose my nerve. I nod.
He turns the handle and pushes the door open. “Hey.”
“Huh?” Owen’s footsteps pad the tile floor. He rounds the corner. Steps into the main room. “Oh.” His lips curl into a smile as he spots Wes.
“Don’t.” I drag my suitcase into his apartment.
My brother laughs. “Don’t what, Q?”
“Comment,” I say.
He looks from me to Wes then back to me. “Comment on what?”
“Hey.” Wes offers his hand. “It’s nice to see you again.”
Owen nods. Shakes. Then pulls Wes in for a big bear hug. He pats Wes’s back. “You’re the guy who’s been fucking my sister?”
“Yeah.” Wes takes a step backward. He looks to me. “Didn’t realize you were talking about me.”
Oh God.
“She’s had a lot to say,” Owen says.
“Good things?” Wes asks.
Owen holds out his hand and shakes it. So-so.
“Fuck, angel, you speaking ill of my abilities?” Wes asks.
My blush takes over my chest. My stomach. My shoulders.
I think my entire body is red.
This is horrifying.
“She didn’t say much about them.” Owen shakes his head. “Worst insult of all.”
“It is.” Wes’s eyes meet mine. “You been faking it, angel?”
I clear my throat. “So, um, Wes is here.”
“I can see that,” Owen says.
“And we’re done discussing my sex life.” I push the door closed and click the lock. “Immediately.”
“What was that about Quinn’s sex life?” Reggie’s deep voice booms through the apartment. He steps into the main room with a wide smile. “Hey.”
“Please save me.” I press my hands together like I’m praying to… well, to Reggie I guess.
Somehow, his smile gets wider. “You torturing your sister?”
Owen nods. “Think her boyfriend is helping.” He turns to Wes. “Are you her boyfriend?”
“Of course.” Wes motions to my suitcase. “You want me to take that for you?”
“Where are you taking it?” I ask.
“You’re staying here,” Owen says. “Both of you.”
“Aren’t you supposed to insist we sleep in separate beds?” I ask.
Reggie nods. “You know I love your protective side.” He motions come here to Owen.
Owen does.
Their embrace is sweet.
Even though they’re opposites, they look perfect together. Owen is a pale as the moon white kid from the suburbs. Reggie is a dark-skinned black guy from the wrong side of the tracks. He’s a head taller than Owen, built like a football player, and completely and totally in love with sports.
Owen watches nothing but TV dramas.
Reggie is sweet and tender where Owen is… prickly.
Which is why I’m…
“Sorry, baby.” Owen presses his lips to Reggie’s cheek. “I don’t want either of them on the couch.”
Reggie laughs. “Where would you watch Vampire Diaries?”
“Don’t mock because you don’t understand Elena’s pain,” he says.
“Oh yes, deciding between two super-hot vampires. What horrible pain.” Reggie shakes his head. “You look cute, Quinn. Cute coming from the airport is an accomplishment.”
“Thanks.” I smooth my sundress. “I, uh… do you have tea?”