Page 43 of Free-Form (Free)
Thanks to the spike in pay, I no longer have to live so parsimoniously.
Hell, I bought – without hesitation – myself an entire set of brand-new Mangas at Crack That yesterday along with a hardback book about African Gods and Goddesses for Tucker. I swung by after teaching my volunteer art class – since my boyfriend was still passed out– and did a little light shopping for me.
Shopping that I wrapped up quickly when he accidently set off the house alarm sleepily searching for me.
It was such a rare thing that I might’ve overindulged in it a bit.
And buying Tuck something was my way of thanking him for teaching me its okay to do that sometimes.
And – not so obviously – thanking him for sticking out these ten weeks so that I get to keep my job.
Possibly even move up.
He lightly chuckles and shrugs a second time. “Well, we didn’t do it for me-”
“We had to do it because of you.”
“So, we’re gonna do this for me.”
“I don’t think that’s how that works.”
“That’s how it’s gonna work.”
“Come on, June Bug,” he sweetly pushes, hands falling to my jean short bearing hips. “Don’t you wanna go to your first art rave?”
“I mean…yeah…but like why do I have to be naked?!”
“That’s really a Manet, Monet type of argument, Tuck.”
“Impressive spin on the tomato, tomato take-”
“Thank you.”
“Less thank you.”
“But like Manet and Monet, there are vast differences between you being naked and you being topless.”
My expression remains unchanged.
“Look, it’s glow in the dark paint, and with a good enough airbrush job, June Bug, it’ll barely look like you’re not wearing anything underneath. Requirements are for men and women to be painted topless before entry.”
“That’s not…those two things aren’t…the same! Like they should be separate but equal!” His head tilts to one side over the phrasing prompting me to squawk, “I heard it! And it didn’t come out right. You never make anything come out right!”
“Not anything?” he teases, hands sliding down the curve of my backside. “Not anything at all?”
“Soooooo not what I meant,” I helplessly whimper while wiggling at the lecherous hold. “And walking around topless is sooooo not me.”
“I don’t know,” my boyfriend impishly begins again. “You seem pretty into it at the house.”
“That’s different! That’s just you and me!”
“And Koose Koose.”
“He’s a goddamn goose!”
“And what about the occasional boaters?” The challenging eyebrow receives a narrowed gaze. “They might see your magnificent tits while we’re skinny dipping or drying off on the dock.”
By drying off he of course means his body rubbing itself on mine during sex.
Towels aren’t welcomed out there.
Like I’m pretty sure he trained that bird to push them off into the water because he does it every time I try.
“It’ll be really fucking dark in there. The only real lights are by the bar for the bartenders and the one in the bathroom and you know we can leave if you’re really that uncomfortable in there. You should know by now I wanna push your comfort zones, June Bug. Not invalidate them.”
Reluctance somewhat starts to waver.
“And you know what else?”
“Your body, baby, is one canvas I’m willing to give my left nut to fucking paint.”
“Such a weird yet sweet thing to say.”
“Tell me what it’s gonna take for me to have that chance.” His blue eyes bore deeper into my brown. “Tell me what you need from me in order to make it possible.”
And lots of it.
“You need to be sober going into it, June Bug,” he playfully states like he could hear my thoughts.
Who knows.
Maybe he can.
At this point, it wouldn’t even surprise me.
“I do this for you…and you…have to…” my brain racks itself for something that feels like a fairtrade, “come with me to the annual Highland Manga and Anime Matsuri at the beginning of August. It’s on my adventures to have list. I’ve always wanted to go and never been able to afford it before now and now that I can-”
His lack of hesitation or consideration has my jaw dropping to my feet. “That’s it?! No bigger…louder…huffle puffle of the words and emotions and the unfairness?”
“You mean a tantrum?”
I really do hate how bad with words he makes me.
“There’s no need for a tantrum, June Bug, because I would do that shit with you regardless.”
“Anime and Manga are just Japanese art. And I love as well as appreciate art from all around the world. An entire day-”
“Sounds like fun shit to experience.”
Melting into and moaning simultaneously occur. “MotherofMonaLisa, how did I get this lucky to have someone like you?”
“You can call it luck, but I call it Fate.”
Not sure I can make the switch.
Luck has always been a tad bit nicer to me than Fate.
“Now, since we’ve reached an agreement,” Tucker mischievously starts, hand finding mine to lead me towards what I swore was an abandoned building until I saw so many cars in the parking lot, “it’s time to get inside and painting.”