Page 58 of Free-Form (Free)
“That’s absolutely true, Tuck,” she quietly concedes. “But doesn’t he at least deserve a chance to earn your respect or at the very least kindness? The same kindness you’re able to show absolute fucking strangers at the drop of a dime?”
Guilt grabs hold of my lungs with both hands.
Not only chokes out the air inside but ceases any ability to replace it.
“Believe it or not, I didn’t come here to fight with you.”
“I don’t believe it,” I airily argue.
“I came here because your grandparents wanted me to ask you to say a kind word at the reception.”
“When they found out you were going, they asked me to reach out to you about making a speech for us like you did for them at their anniversary party. Expressed how important it is to include your child in a monumental moment like this. I’ve called – multiple times – and since you didn’t answer – you never answer outside of holidays – I thought I’d try you in a person.”
Her face pulls into a familiar tight expression. “I assumed that was the answer; however, I promised my parents I’d try.”
“You tried. You failed.”
“You can tell them that I won’t even be there so giving it isn’t even a possibility.”
This time worry successfully wins ownership of her face. “But I thought-”
“Yeah, I changed my mind.”
“What?! When?!”
Just. Now.
“Doesn’t matter.” The sullen shrug she’s given is small. “I was gonna tell Uncle Brett when he got here. Wanted to say goodbye face to face.”
Pain pulses through her watery stare as she sarcastically nods. “Right. Because he – the man who couldn’t pick your work out of a Kindergarten art class lineup – deserves that.”
Defeat yet again captures her demeanor on a quietly croaked, “Okay.”
Sniffling shoves away the sadness she had managed to summon. “Okay.”
“Have a safe trip, Tuck.” She resumes toying with her keys at the same time she slowly backs up towards her vehicle. “I love you.”
There’s no urge to say it back.
Or to continue staring at her.
Or to do anything other than get my ass in the house to get packed because I’m done here.
I’m done lying to myself about someone I’m not.
I’m done lying to June about a life I know I can’t lead.
Most importantly, I’m fucking done lying to Fate about listening when she talks.
It’s crystal clear now that I haven’t been.
Apparently, I’m not supposed to stay for that stupid wedding reception or to wish them luck in life or to arrange June’s dream trip with her.
So…I won’t.
Chapter 17
Hanging my keys on the entryway hook near the alarm system is done on a heavy sigh.
MotherofMonaLisa I love my sisters, but Tucker’s right. I spend an alarming amount of time helping them take care of them versus taking care of me.
I mean honestly.
How can anyone have that big of a meltdown about not being able to find Star Wars dishware for their dorm room? Is it really worth spiraling over the idea of not going at all?
Now, once I realized that that was the real root of her emotional breakdown I could handle the situation better.
It’s hard to demand that your baby sister get out there…take a risk…spread her Millennium Falcon wings and soar to infinity and beyond when you yourself have never done the same; however, messing up descriptions and mixing up franchises is a great way to get her laughing.
And eventually, excited about going to college again.
Nonetheless, our talk did inspire me on the drive back to tell Tucker, I’m ready.
That I want him to just pick somewhere fun and random and let’s just go. Let’s just go see some pocket of the world I’ve never been to. Let’s eat local food and hear local music and explore local art.
It’s time for my own adventure to take its next step.
And I can’t wait to take it with him.
“Tuck!” I yell when I realize I don’t hear any music playing around the house, something he prefers to have when creating. “You inside or out?”
Working my way from the front to our bedroom is done a bit slower thanks to trying to tidy up as I go. After all, I would rather spend my time alone later daydreaming about far off places rather than cursing about what a slob he is.
“Tuck?” Pushing the cracked door all the way open to slip inside occurs on another calling of his name. “Tuck?”
“I don’t give a fuck where, Edie!” He shouts from the direction of the ensuite bathroom, summoning me over. “I just need to get the hell out of Highland. And I need to do it now.”
His choice of words has me stumbling over my own feet right into the doorframe.“Ou.”
“June Bug,” is faintly spoken, further evidence he wasn’t expecting me.
My presence.
My overhearing.
“Text me when you have something.” Ending the call is immediately done; however, moving closer to me isn’t. “You um…you okay?”