Page 67 of Free-Form (Free)
“Having my family pay for us to travel the world together?” He arrogantly beams. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I can handle it if you can.”
Playfully rolling my eyes is done alongside a gentle push away.
“Now, let’s get back outside,” Tucker announces, slowly guiding our frames forward. “There’s still some drinking to do.”
“Punishing your grandparents for hosting an open bar?”
“And so much food to eat.”
“Does anything not have lobster?”
“And dancing to do.”
“Oh…no…” Headshakes instantly appear. “No. No. No. No.” Our eyes momentarily lock. “You know I can’t dance, Tuck…”
Instead of arguing, he simply waggles his eyebrows and resumes leading us to festivities.
I can’t dance!
Or at least I couldn’t used to.
I also couldn’t bring myself to try new foods or bright colors. I couldn’t push myself out of my comfort zone to experience things like art raves or nude painting under the stars. Before Fate put Tucker Frost on my path, there were so many things I couldn’t do, yet now that he’s here? Now that we’re journeying through life together? I honestly don’t think there’s anything I can’t at least try anymore.
About One Year Later…
I won’t lie.
I’m gonna miss Ireland – a shit ton – but I’m glad to be headed back home.
Home to our lake house that I bought shortly after my mom and Rich got married.
Home to our goose that I think may have found goose love of his own according to Violet who only stays there when we’re gone to save on rent while she keeps trying to break out into Hollywood.
And most importantly, home to our own bed where I know my girl will sleep the best.
We’ve been traveling on and off for a few months, but she’s still adjusting to being comfortable in foreign places.
I’m simply thankful to be there helping however she needs.
June’s elbow knocks a little hard into the armrest causing her to squeak, “Ou.”
“Careful, June Bug.” Gently touching the area, she just hit is done with a soft smile. “Or I will break out the bubble wrap again.”
Her beautiful brown skinned face suddenly becomes tinted my favorite shade of red.
Fuck, I love how even after all this time together, I can still get her face to turn that color.
Especially when I’m reminding her of our sexual adventures.
Turns out painting with bubble wrap is still an enjoyable activity; however, doing it nude, after hours, at a local pub alongside two other couples is even more fun.
“Think Archer and Jaye will like the mugs we’re bringing back?” She thoughtfully ponders about the other couple we hang out with besides Adolfo and Michelle whenever we’re home in Highland. “Oh! Oh! Do you think my sisters will like the matching Celtic knot necklaces I got us?”
Folding my fingers with her allows me to gently touch the Claddagh ring, a famous Irish symbol, that’s occupying her left ring finger. With the tip of the heart facing inwards towards her hand, it means she’s in a happy and committed relationship.
Which we are.
Both happy and fully fucking committed.
I made sure of that by proposing with the special piece shortly after learning about its meaning from a local pub owner who also hosted the bubble wrap sex session as well as introduced us to the artist whose work we fell in love with.
“How do you think your family is gonna react?” She sheepishly asks prompting me to bring her knuckles up to my lips for a kiss. “I mean…do they really like me?”
“More than they like me,” I tease with a wink.
June rolls her eyes at the comment that probably has more truth to it than she realizes.
They fucking love her.
First and foremost because she managed to do something no one else could, which was bring me back into the fold, but also because she’s quite an amazing individual on her own. She has her own brilliant and innovative ideas regarding art and Aunt Brandi loves their monthly meeting to discuss shit whether we’re in the states or abroad. Outside of work, her charity efforts have inspired Gramps and Gram and Mom to find more ways to give back, including working with local shelters to provide gently used bedding for the homeless and encouraged Rich to donate at least one Sunday a month every month to helping counsel families in struggling communities who can’t afford the assistance he provides.
And since we’re on the subject of Rich, he’s…a pretty chill guy. We have a little more in common than I would’ve imagined – no one can put back pastelitos like he can – and his insistence that my mother and I attend non-him led counseling to address some of the issues regarding my father along with his death has actually made a huge difference. I’m not at the level of close to either of them that I’m sure they want; however, I’m getting there. June’s definitely had a hand in helping keep that progress steady.