Page 72 of A Love Catastrophe
“Hey.” Miles’s hand covers mine, and he gently pulls it away from my face.
My eyes are still closed, though.
He tucks a finger under my chin. “Kitty.”
His lips touch mine. Brief. Soft.
“Can you open your eyes for me?”
I crack one lid.
He’s close, close enough that I can feel his breath against my lips. “I love it when your thoughts come out of your head unfiltered. And I read about the pretzel move in a magazine back when I was in college. It was a real game changer. I’m totally happy to try it again and make sure it works more than once.”
“Does that mean you’re staying here tonight?”
“I’d like to, if you’d like me to.”
“I would like that. And I would love to see if the pretzel move works more than once.”
Miles grins. “That’s not my only move.”
“You have more?”
“I do.” His smile turns salacious. “You want me to show you another one?”
chapter nineteen
It turns out Miles has a lot of moves. And we try out several of them. It also means we stay up ridiculously late.
Needless to say, this morning I’m not particularly rested, but I am definitely feeling good. Better than good. I’m on cloud nine, skipping down post-orgasm high road. Miles and I go out for breakfast to my favorite greasy spoon. He gets a giant stack of pancakes, and I order the eggs benny.
“There’s no way you’re going to be able to eat all of that.” I point to the mountainous pile of pancakes. They’re layered like a cake, with strawberries and whipped cream between each one.
“You gave me quite the workout last night, and this morning, Kitty, you’d be surprised at how much damage I can do.” He winks and I blush.
“Do you want some help packing up your mom’s place? Do you have a plan for what you’re going to do with the house?” I pop a bite of eggs benny into my mouth. I’m trying not to shovel it in my face at warp speed, but now that I have food in front of me, I too realize how famished I am. Instead of eating dinner last night, we devoured each other.
“I might need to put it on the market, unless I can find a long-term renter. There’s no mortgage left on it, thankfully, but my mom’s pension from her job isn’t going to cover the full cost of her care because she took early retirement. Selling the house would help, but obviously it would be better to rent it so we can keep the capital where it is until she absolutely needs it.”
“It would be a good home for a family with small children, or a retired couple,” I muse.
Miles nods. “Part of me just wants to get rid of it because of all the memories that were tied up in that house, but now . . . I don’t know. I’m starting to see it a bit differently.” His grin turns sly. “And recently I’ve made some pretty good new memories in there.”
I smile and duck my head. “I’m glad there’s some good in all of this for you.”
“Me too.”
We finish breakfast and head back to the house. I pack up Prince Francis and all his belongings and we load them into my car. It’s better for him if we’re not trying to pack the house while he’s still in it. I haven’t talked to my mom yet about keeping him, but I figure I can spin it as a temporary thing and then ask forgiveness later if it becomes permanent.
Miles has afternoon meetings, and there’s a game tonight, so he walks me out to my car and kisses me goodbye. “I’ll text you later.” He dips down and kisses me again.
I run my hands over his chest. “Okay. Sounds good.”
“If there wasn’t a game tonight, I’d come back here,” he says.
“That’s okay. I know it’s not practical for you to drive out here all the time.”
“You could come to my place, though. The game should be done by nine. I can be home by nine thirty.” His face lights up, like it’s the best idea he’s ever had.
His eagerness to spend more time with me is great for my ego. I pat his chest. “I wish I could, but I should get Prince Francis settled at my place. Dropping him off and leaving him isn’t going to win me any prizes with him or my family. I’ll come over here tomorrow night, though, and we can pack up all the things your mom will need at the new home. We can even go there early and decorate for her, so it feels like her space when she arrives. Bring some familiar furniture and the things she loves.”
He smiles down at me. “That’s a great idea. You’re amazing, you know that?”