Page 23 of Wanting the Winger
“I worry about introducing her to someone too. Obviously I’m going to hold off until I know he’s worthy of meeting her. Wouldn’t you do the same?”
He nods. “Absolutely.”
I playfully poke his chest. “Then you have no excuses to keep you from dating.”
“Speaking of dating, don’t you need to get ready?” he asks.
“Oh, shit. I don’t know what to wear.”
“Wear your favorite jeans and a sweater. You’ll be warm enough if you’re outside and you’ll be comfortable.”
“Why can’t you be one of the fashionable gay guys who offer their best friends solid clothing advice?”
He laughs. “No one’s perfect.”
* * *
I’m waiting in the mudroom when Darius’s truck pulls into the driveway. I dart outside, locking the door behind me. I’ll introduce him to Ryan some other time. That is if he even wants another date with me after tonight. I come with a lot of baggage that a lot of guys would be intimidated to take on.
Darius steps from the driver’s side, smiling, and meets me in front of his truck.
“Hi.” He catches one of my hands, drawing me closer. His strong arms briefly close around me, gently squeezing. My hands slide along the soft plaid material of his shirt to wrap around him. We hold each other for an extra beat before he steps back. His dark gaze skims over me.
“You look amazing.”
My fingers clutch the bottom of my V-neck sweater, tugging down. I’m already regretting listening to Ryan. I’d be more comfortable in a loose hoodie, but I know that’s hardly second-date-worthy clothing.
“Thanks. So do you.” I’ve never been a fan of beanies, but the black one covering his hair looks sexy on him. His eyes seem even more piercing without his hair falling across his forehead. He wears his flannel shirt untucked and unbuttoned over a black t-shirt. He looks uber manly, and I like it a lot.
Who knew I had a thing for lumberjacks?
Opening the passenger side door, he assists me on my climb up. I settle onto the smooth leather seat before he closes me inside.
A wave of panic hits me. Why am I going on this date? I’m probably wasting his time as well as mine. I’m reaching for the door handle when he climbs into the driver’s side. I quickly snatch my hand back, but when I turn my head his way, he’s looking.Crap.
“Everything okay?”
I trap my bottom lip between my teeth and nod.
“Are you sure?” he persists.
I nod again.
“Evie, I need you to communicate with words.” He softens his voice. “When I got in the truck you were reaching for the handle. Are you anxious? Or did you change your mind about tonight?” His dark brows pinching together, he studies my face, searching for an answer.
My lip slips free of my teeth. “I panicked for a moment and was about to get out of the truck when you got in.”
“Why did you panic?”
I press back against the warm seat. “Aside from our dinner last night, I haven’t been out on a date with anyone besides Tillie’s dad. And that was years ago.”
“Are you nervous about going out with me?” he asks.
“No, it’s not you at all. I was thinking about being a single mom and all the baggage that I bring along with me. I don’t want to waste your time.”
“How would you be wasting it?”
“By keeping you from someone with a less complicated past.”