Page 48 of Wanting the Winger
“Dude, that was before I was in the NHL,” Ryder says.
Murphy shrugs. “So what? It’s a good example of your lack of standards.”
“Dude, you can’t standards shame me. I’m dirty, unashamed, and proud.” He pounds his fist on his chest.
“Get on with it then,” Kaiden prompts.
“Back in college I was dating this cheerleader. She was hot and horny, which we all know are two of my favorite qualities in a woman. Anyway, I was about to go downtown when I noticed she had a piece of toilet paper stuck to her.”
“How big of a piece are we talking about?” Kaiden asks.
“It was small. Like a little rolled up ball stuck in her pubes.”
“It was a literal tree in the forest,” Murphy jokes. “Get it? Because paper comes from trees and she had pubes.”
I fake a dry heave. “That’s fucking gross. Did you tell her?”
“Fuck no. I used to eat toilet paper when I was a kid. I think it must’ve been one-ply because it practically dissolved in my mouth.”
“You’re a repulsive man,” I tell him, and he shrugs.
Kaiden laughs, shaking his head. “I have nothing to say to that.”
“I told you my standards are better,” Murphy says, as if that’s some impressive achievement.
How will I ever be able to introduce Evie to my teammates?
“Stop movingor you’re going to get burned,” Wendy warns me as she winds my hair around the curling iron. It’s so close to the side of my face, I can feel the heat it’s giving off.
“I’m sorry. I’m nervous about going to this banquet. I’ve been dreading this night since I agreed to go. Why am I such a pushover?”
She winds another chunk of my hair around the iron. “You’re not a pushover. You’re doing something to please your mom. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m sure Tillie will do the same when she’s your age.”
“I hope she doesn’t have to.” I sigh. “Thank you for being here and helping me get ready.”
“Well, I didn’t really have a choice. You can’t go to a formal function with your hair in a messy knot on top of your head.”
I laugh. “It’s hilarious that’s the reason you’re here. But you’re right. I would’ve thrown it up without a care for how it looked.”
“Yep. At least your hair will look fabulous while your face looks miserable.” She snickers.
“I’m banking on being able to leave early. As soon as my dad gets his award I’m out of there.”
“I’ll be here with Tillie waiting for you to get back.”
“Thank you for staying with her,” I say. “She’s excited.”
“I’m excited too. I can’t believe I talked my brother into going out tonight. Maybe with you in a relationship he’s realizing he needs to get out there and meet people.”
“I’m glad he’s going out too. He worries about Tillie and me too much. It’s time for him to focus on himself too. There’s no reason we can’t work out a schedule that allows him to get out at night.”
“Aww, how cute. You can make a relationship calendar for tracking your date nights,” she teases.
“Hey, we’ll do whatever’s needed. I want Ryan to be happy.”