Page 104 of Protector Daddy
“I’ll get her more than just Kindle-related stuff but yeah. I have another idea.” I rubbed my jaw thoughtfully. “It was actually in the book I read.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”
“Thinking of getting a custom designed swing for inside my house.”
I didn’t understand why Mav was turning a disturbing shade of red, but I still kept going. “I’m thinking maybe Lucky and Moose could help me put it together. I have a den, but we could turn it into a room for her—and me too. So she’d have a special spot in my house with room to spread out as we wanted to. The swing will be really padded and comfy but still will move as needed. In the spring, we can do another one outside, which is where she really loves to do it. But I don’t want her to lose her hobbies in the winter. She still needs to keep busy.” I frowned as he started to choke. “You okay, man?”
He shoved his chair back. “You are a sick fuck. That’s my little sister we’re talking about,” Mav tossed over his shoulder as he stormed out of the building.
I stared after him quizzically.
I didn’t get it until I’d gone back to my desk to finish my report—and laughed so hard I was sure I’d sprained a rib.
Rather than texting Mav, I texted Honey.
If your brother calls me a pervert, just ignore him.
Um, okay? Do I want to know?
Probably but you won’t find out until Christmas. Then I’ll explain all.
Ooh, presents! My favorite thing.
It is?
Duh. What do you want for Christmas?
You wrapped in ribbon.
Think I can manage that. ;) But I’m getting you more than that.
Don’t need to make a fuss.
It’s our first Christmas together. It has to be special.
So much for not thinking she was much of a romantic. Mav was right. I was clueless.
I needed to talk to my brother and Lucky. I didn’t have a lot of time to make this plan come together, so I’d likely have to pay big time. But it would be worth it to see her eyes light up.
Anything was worth that.
An hour later, I’d finished my report, checked in to make sure Brady was on his way in, and drew up a quick schematic of what I had in mind for the swing. When Brady came in, toting his adorable baby girl clad in a red Christmas-themed onesie with fur collar and cuffs, I looked up and melted.
Okay, fine, I wanted one of those too. And I didn’t give a shit if that made me less “manly”. I was owning it.
“How is she?” I asked, walking around my desk.
“She’s doing much better, thanks. Think it was just bad gas. But Tabitha’s on her way over to pick her up.” Brady set her in his chair and straightened her little Santa hat before turning to face me, hands on hips. “Okay, what’s this about you giving my sister a sex swing for Christmas?” He rubbed his chin. “Also, you got a website to check out that sort of thing? Just asking.”